How Do I Block A Business Page On Facebook

Blocking a Facebook page is a fantastic method to ensure that you don’t see any further content from that page. The procedure for blocking a Facebook page, however, differs from that for blocking a person. You must go via the company’ Facebook page to get to the business profile due to the nature of how Facebook pages are set up. To be clear, we’re talking about a business page being blocked on Facebook in 2021. It is not feasible to block someone with a username that is identical to that of the company’s Facebook page. This is a separate procedure that must be completed directly on the Facebook profile.

We’re all aware that there are a slew of irritating Facebook companies that we don’t want to follow, and we’d want to prevent them from appearing in our newsfeed. Fortunately, Facebook has made this simple by establishing a blocking mechanism that ensures that the banned company page will not show in your newsfeed and will not be able to contact you via Facebook.

Facebook pages are a one-of-a-kind method to advertise your company on the internet. The number of people who use Facebook is in the billions. Almost all platform users have the ability to like business pages. However, you may get a large number of alerts from these sites on your smartphone and in Facebook’s notification area at times. However, banning a user on Facebook does not prevent them from accessing the page they established. So there are options for blocking any Facebook page you choose. This may be done on your phone or on a computer. Message: You can’t lock a page that has been erased.

But I’ll show you how to do it both ways. As a result, it’s critical to understand what happens when you block a page, how to unblock it later, and so on. We’ll also cover some relevant facts (perhaps in your mind) regarding Facebook pages in this post. Stay tuned and read on to learn all there is to know about locking and unlocking the site, as well as additional details…

What happens when a Facebook page is blocked?

On Facebook, you may quickly access any page. You will no longer be able to like the page if you block it (unless you unblock it). They are unable to reply to your messages and comments. You are unable to make a post or send a message. This site will not send you any alerts or updates. Similarly, you can’t ban a user’s page on Facebook when you block them. The page will appear and be removed if you block it. If you wish to accomplish it, just follow the steps outlined below.

How can I ban a Facebook business page?

If you don’t like a company page or don’t want to get alerts, you may simply block it on Facebook. Many people use this to remove their material (posts, comments, replies, and other items) from that page. The cause for banning the page, on the other hand, might be anything.

As a result, there are two options: You may do this using either your phone or your computer. This is something we suggest you perform on your computer. Because the Facebook app for mobile devices does not have any options. You may, however, do so using a web browser on your mobile device. As a result, we suggest that you use your computer to lock the page on Facebook. Here’s how to do it:

Click the Page option in the menu on the left of the Facebook site. Then, on the left menu, select the Liked Pages option once again. The page may also be found and accessed. To lock a page, press the three-dot button and choose Lock Page after opening it. On the confirmation screen, click the Confirm button.

On Facebook, you may block a business page.

In a nutshell, all you have to do is go to the company page you want to block and open it. Then, underneath the page name, click the three-dot icon and choose Lock page. To block this page, click the Confirm button. Before blocking this page, please read everything on the confirmation screen carefully.

Blocking a Facebook page is a simple process.

A different way to ban a page on Facebook

There is an alternate way for banning a Facebook business page. This is something you can do on your computer. Here’s a quick way to do it: With the arrow in the upper left corner, choose the drop-down menu. Go to Settings, then Privacy, then Settings. Now, on the left menu, choose the Lock option. Enter the name of the page you want to block at the bottom of the Block page. Simply confirm your decision, and the page or business page will be blocked on Facebook.

On your mobile device, you may block a Facebook business page.

There are no options to lock the page in the official Facebook app for Android and iPhone. So, on our gadget, you’ll need a web browser. The following is how it works:

To begin, open your phone’s web browser and go to, where you may log in to your account. Then, on the web browser, switch to desktop mode. Select Desktop Site from the menu with the three dots in the upper right corner. Now go to the business page you want to lock and click on it. Then, in the URL box at the top, type instead of Select the Lock page option by clicking on the three-dot symbol underneath the page name. In the confirmation box that opens, click the Confirm button.

Establishing a Facebook page

You may simply unblock a Facebook page that you previously banned. The process is straightforward. Here’s how to do it: In the top right corner, click the down arrow symbol. Select Settings from the drop-down menu under Settings and Privacy. In the left menu, choose Lock. All of the blocked pages are listed at the bottom of the page. To unlock a page, just click the Unlock button next to it.

Unlocking a Facebook page

The page is locked for you, but it is unlocked for you. Unlocking a page, on the other hand, does not imply that you will enjoy or follow it. If you wish to like or follow this page again, do so now. This implies that even once it has been opened, you must like or follow this page.

This resource has been very useful in our study. Read more about Can they see my profile if I block a business page on Facebook and let us know what you think.

On Facebook Mobile, how can I ban a business page?

There are a lot of business postings on your Facebook feed. Many of them want you to like their page so you can see more of their postings, but there is a method to control how much information they reveal with you. Most individuals are unaware that on Facebook, you may opt to ignore a company. Have you ever wanted to know how to ban a Facebook business page on your phone? Fortunately, banning a business page on Facebook mobile is simple. You will no longer get updates from that company page in your news feed after you have blocked it. You can simply ban a company page on your phone if you’ve previously blocked it on your PC.

Final Words

Hope you got everything From this article. You can share it with your friends so that it will help you a lot.