How Do You Create A Website Like Facebook

You may now create your own customized social networking website. You may create a product- or service-focused network, or you can create a basic review community for your target market. Some companies build customized social media to collect and study a white niche that is currently untapped and has the potential to attract a large number of people to one location.

It’s possible that you’re building a customized social network because you don’t like Facebook.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter why you want to create a website like Facebook: if your concept is excellent enough, it’s worth attempting and creating a reality.

Is it tough to start a new social media platform?

What if you have a fantastic concept for your own social network, but you don’t have the necessary coding abilities or technical knowledge? The reality is that not everyone has a programming degree from a university. This does not, however, imply that you should abandon your plan. There are several online social media builders and industry specialists that can assist you in reaching your objectives.

You may now build a social network similar to Facebook for very little money and effort. In reality, creating your own social media has never been easier than it is today., for example, provides a fantastic platform for building a variety of social media networks, including:

Channels on social media that are open to the public or that are restricted to a particular audience;

Networks that provide both free and commercial programming;

Websites dedicated to a certain product or service, for example.

Ning can assist you in any situation.

How to Make a Website That Looks Like Facebook in 8 Easy Steps

  1. Make a suggestion.

Before you get started, think about why you want to use a social network in the first place. What goals do you have in mind? What kind of audience are you aiming for? What will your network’s members get out of it? You must first develop an idea on which to base your subsequent approach. You’ll need to develop points that will set you apart from your prospective rivals, especially if you’re eager to make your network lucrative.

  1. Pick a niche for yourself.

The preceding stage will help you figure out what your specialty is. Don’t try to cover all subjects at once; instead, concentrate on one and expand on it. It’s quite OK if your specialty is limited. It might even be your competitive advantage. You may begin here and extend to additional subjects later once you’ve established your target audience.


  1. Determine who your target audience is.

When you build a social networking website, you must first establish an audience. It is a personal decision that goes hand in hand with the preceding stage. It’s crucial to determine if you want to target a small group of people or a large population. Because trying to reach a large audience from the outset is a nearly impossible task, made much more difficult by significant market rivals, you will have a better chance of succeeding with the former choice. As a result, inviting individuals you know first will be the ideal choice for you. Your community will not be large at first, but it will serve as the foundation for future growth.

  1. Get a domain name and start building your website.

The first thing you should do after you’ve determined your goals and target audience is to select a suitable domain name. The best option is to purchase a name that corresponds to your network. More information on the process of finding the ideal domain name may be found here. With Ning, though, you may begin creating your own social media channel by simply completing a registration form. You will be given a native domain name (your network if you don’t already have one. Your membership package will include hosting.

  1. Make your website unique.

Your network, of course, should be distinct, user-friendly, and memorable. As a result, you’ll need a general theme, logo, and header image that are both attractive and appropriate for the function of your social networking site.

  1. Select the characteristics that are required.

Then you may add all of the features and choices you want to make your ideal social media network. This covers things like feeds, chat, audio and video apps, and events. When creating a network using Ning, all you have to do is check the boxes next to the features you want.

  1. Make changes to your website’s design.

You undoubtedly want your social network to stand out. That is why having a wide range of customization choices is critical. Ning’s design area has an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface that allows you to experiment with various design options before settling on the one that best fits your idea. In only a few minutes, you may build your own social media on the Ning 3.0 platform. As a result, you’ll be able to start networking nearly instantly.

  1. Create content and promote your network.

After you’ve completed the creation process, you’ll need to provide content, attract and keep members, and actively work on expanding your network. You may market your online community in a variety of ways. Here are a few examples:

  1. Connect your network to major social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Google+; Liking, Social Sharing, and Social Sign-up are examples of features to utilize.
  2. Make an activity feed to keep everyone updated on what you’re up to;
  3. To both active and inactive members of your network, send invitation emails, newsletters, and digests;
  4. Optimize your content for search engines, create a semantic core, and include important keywords throughout your articles;
  5. Write guest articles and host them;
  6. Make a specialized mobile application;
  7. Use Google AdSense, for example, to promote your network.

There are other alternatives available. Some are simple and inexpensive, while others are complicated and pricey. You may choose the ones that are appropriate for your goals and growth plan.

The advantages of having your own personal social network

Having your own social network may provide you with a lot of opportunities for personal growth. It may help you become more organized, disciplined, and consistent. It will also assist you in forming new friendships and connections. It’s a fantastic way to have a lot of fun and stay in contact with people who share your passion if you utilize your networking website to offer your knowledge in the subject matter you’re interested in.

Furthermore, establishing your own social media channel is the most beneficial thing you can do for your company. As a result, your targeting abilities will improve, you will be able to reach out to your consumers more efficiently, and you will have a constant supply of feedback.

Personalized social networks provide much more benefits than well-known social media platforms like Facebook. They’re renowned for being adaptable and adjustable, enabling you to mold them in the manner that best suits your needs. The following are some of the most notable features you may take use of:

Complete control over your audience: when you own your network, you can learn a lot about your users-who they are and what they like. When it comes to targeted marketing, this offers you an advantage. Furthermore, you have complete control over who can and cannot join your network.


 When creating your own social network, you may choose how it appears by choosing a theme, background picture, fonts, and other design elements. Ning, on the other hand, provides a number of extensive templates that may be further modified to suit your needs.

Personalized social networks, as opposed to traditional social media websites, provide a broad variety of monetization possibilities for your content. Ning, for example, offers features such as Paid Access, Paid Membership, and Donations. You may also place advertisements on your website.

Flexible content management:

 only you can determine what material is worth publishing and in what format on your own network. You may maintain your blog, upload pictures, and distribute video and audio files, among other things. Furthermore, with good SEO, major search engines will include your informative material in search results, making you more visible on the web.

Many additional benefits may be added, such as quicker customer service, a softer censorship policy, the ability to connect with other social media and third-party web resources, multiple communication methods, real-time activity streams, and so on. When you create a network on Ning, you may utilize all of these capabilities anyway you choose!


Hopefully, this essay has persuaded you that building a website similar to (or even better than) Facebook is not difficult, particularly if you have a compelling concept to build on. It’s up to you to decide what your network’s unique characteristic will be. Ning, on the other hand, may be relied upon for everything relating to the creation of social networking websites from the ground up.

More helpful advice from network builders who have previously established their social media websites using the Ning platform may be found here.