How Do You Repost On A Facebook

We deal with a diverse group of publishers at Echo box, and Facebook is a major content distribution route for them. Based on our unique expertise, we often offer best practices for publishing and reposting on Facebook. Reposting material on Facebook is a subject that publishers often bring up. “Should we repost on Facebook?” and “How well do Facebook reposts work compared to fresh posts?” are common queries.

Despite the popularity of Facebook reposts, there has never been a scientific, large-scale, and publisher-specific research on the subject.

As a result, we set out to investigate how successful Facebook reposts are compared to new posts, as well as to provide data-driven suggestions for how to repost on Facebook for maximum impact.

How we looked at Facebook retweets

To begin, our data science team looked at the Facebook postings (including reposts) of over 600 of the world’s top publications, including Newsweek, The Guardian, The Telegraph, Le Monde, Conde Nast, and the South China Morning Post.

To better understand the power of Facebook reposts, we looked at 1.85 million Facebook posts, almost 300,000 of which were “reposts,” which we defined as a single Facebook post shared more than once by a publisher in this research. This research only looked at Facebook postings that were republished by the originating publication, or when publishers reposted their own content. Any Facebook followers reposts were not taken into consideration.

We analyzed the amount of clicks on new Facebook posts against Facebook reposts to evaluate the performance of Facebook reposts. For this research, almost 2.8 billion clicks were recorded. To minimize skewing from outliers, we utilized median averages where appropriate.

Reposts on Facebook have a hidden power.

We found that reposting on Facebook is a very effective, low-cost, and low-effort method to increase Facebook clicks:

A Facebook repost receives 67 percent of the hits that an original post got.

When a post gets 1,000 clicks the first time it is published, it will acquire 670 additional clicks when it is republished. For publishers, this means that just repeating your Facebook post may increase the number of clicks by 67 percent on average!

Facebook reposts will surpass original posts for 13% of publishers, earning more overall clicks than the original posts.

Despite the enormous potential for Facebook reposts to generate additional traffic, publishers are only repeating a tiny percentage of their material, missing out on significant traffic opportunities:

On average, publishers republish just 8% of their overall content.

What’s the bottom line?

You should republish your material on Facebook if you haven’t already. By just reposting on Facebook, publishers may significantly increase their reach, traffic, and engagement.

Download our free guide to learn the four stages to creating a Facebook reposting strategy that works for you:

The definitive guide to resharing on Facebook from the publisher

Are you ready to create a successful reposting strategy? We’ve broken it down into four simple stages and covered all you need to know. Get the guide for free right now!

When it comes to reposting, how long do most publications wait?

On average, three-quarters of publishers repost a Facebook post within ten days, with 41% reposting within 24 hours after the initial post. Nonetheless, many weeks after the initial publication, there is a noticeable long tail of publishers that repost on Facebook:

When is it OK to share anything on Facebook? How long should you wait before reposting your original post?

The ideal time to repost on Facebook is determined by many variables, including the content’s timeliness and relevancy.

If your post includes breaking news that becomes stale in a matter of hours, you’ll want to repost it while your Facebook audience is still interested. Reposting your breaking news articles a few days later may help you reach out to those who might have missed the first one.

TIP: Echo box utilizes artificial intelligence to optimize the time of publishers’ postings, estimating the optimum possible minute for publishing in order to increase traffic. Echo box can also automatically identify breaking news items that should be shared right away, and then repost them at the best possible moment.

When it comes to Facebook, how frequently should you repost?

To supply your followers with enough material and catch all potential traffic possibilities, you should attempt to repost on Facebook on a frequent basis throughout the day. The optimum frequency of Facebook reposting, on the other hand, will change over time for each publication and Facebook Page. As a result, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to this issue. To avoid being penalized by Facebook, all publishers must be aware of the spacing of their postings and ensure that they post and repost at the appropriate intervals.

Try our free Facebook Grader tool for publishers to find the perfect mix of frequent reposting that optimizes traffic while avoiding penalties. Get a quick assessment of how effectively your Facebook posts and reposts are spaced, as well as notifications about possible Facebook fines and traffic loss:

Try Echo box’s Facebook Grader.

Publishers may use the Facebook Grader for free. Get a detailed analysis of your Facebook Page’s performance as well as a customized report with recommendations.

How to share your fresh material on Facebook without burying it

Publishing the appropriate ratio of new posts and reposts is a crucial element in successfully reposting on Facebook. You risk losing out on repost-driven traffic if you share too many new articles and not enough reposts. If you share too many reposts and not enough new posts, your fresh material will be drowned out, and your followers will lose interest.

Each Facebook Page has its own optimal ratio of fresh material to reposts, and it’s critical that you figure out what it is for yours. How can you figure out what your optimal Facebook repost ratio is?

Make use of our three-point strategy.

We’ve created a 3-point methodology that utilizes your performance data to estimate the appropriate mix of fresh material and reposts you should be utilizing on Facebook. See page 8 of our comprehensive guide to Facebook reposting:

How do I discover the greatest Facebook material to repost?

Once you’ve figured out the appropriate mix of new posts and reposts for your Facebook Page, you can concentrate on finding the greatest material to repost in order to get the most traffic and interaction. As a guide, look at your best-performing articles.

Begin by determining which of your recent posts has received the greatest traffic. Prioritize these high-performing posts in your reposting strategy, but keep in mind that a repost’s success may be influenced by a variety of variables, such as the time or post features. Experiment with reposting at various times or using different content or pictures in your reposts to see how much traffic you can create.

Is there a Facebook repost software that makes it easier to repost?

Reposting on Facebook, as our research shows, has enormous traffic potential for publishers. However, in order to fully realize this potential, you must make sure that your Facebook reposts are doing as effectively as possible. Their success will be determined by the content, timing, and frequency of the reposts, as well as other variables.

You may be wondering whether there is a Facebook repost app that might assist publishers in managing and optimizing these many variables.

Publishers that want to make the most of both new posts and reposts on Facebook have a solution (and on other social networks). By simplifying or even automating Facebook reposting for publishers, Echo box removes the guesswork from your Facebook reposts.

TIP: Using Echo box, you can quickly locate your most popular Facebook posts and repost them with a single click. Let Echo box do it for you — Echo box can automate the whole publishing and reposting process, automatically selecting your most valuable material and ensuring that it is uploaded and reposted at the best possible times, all while taking into consideration any specific settings you’ve specified.

Leading publications, like The Guardian, use Echo box to automate Facebook reposting, allowing Echo box to choose which stories to repost as well as the best day and time to repost them— all while keeping busy newsrooms “hands free.” This AI-driven strategy leads to more engagement with Facebook reposts and increased traffic for publishers.

How can I repost anything on Facebook without losing likes or comments?

You may be worried about losing the likes and comments connected with your original post if you decide to repost on Facebook. When you repost on Facebook, the responses, comments, and shares from the original post will not be carried over to the repost.

However, publishers should not be concerned about losing likes and comments on their reposts, as we often see reposts get an enormously greater number of responses, comments, and shares than the original post.

Take, for example, Newsweek’s original piece, which received 108 responses, 46 comments, and 7 shares in its first 24 hours. Newsweek amazingly obtained 923 percent of the responses, 985 percent of the comments, and 757 percent of the shares that the original piece produced by repeating the exact same material just 3 hours later:

Given that a Facebook repost generates 67 percent more clicks than an original post, the value of these referral traffic increases will exceed the “resetting” of likes and comments on a repost for many publishers.

Final Words

We’ve demonstrated that publishing existing Facebook posts may help you get more value out of them.

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