When Friend Suggestion is sent on facebook does it goes both ways Or Do You Need To Send Suggestion To Both

A quick check of my own current recommended friends reveals at least three individuals I’ve never met, I’ve never worked with, we didn’t go to the same school, we don’t have any common acquaintances, and they’re not in my contacts. One of them, I’m pretty certain, is now seeing my ex, based on a brief check on other social networking sites. So, why is she being recommended? Is this related to the ‘other variables’ mentioned by Facebook? I’ve never met her! Were we at the same café before? Is it understandable that she has been stalking me? Have we finally discovered the ultimate solution to how to detect whether someone has glanced at my profile?!

What is the basis of Facebook’s recommended friends algorithm?

There are so many unanswered questions, and so many conspiracy theories. Thankfully, I’ve already done the hilarious research, so you don’t have to when the man you slept with who never whatsapped back and you can’t stop thinking about shows up on your recommended friends list.

Is it true that your recommended buddies are based on your location?

In one of the greatest examples of ‘ER, NO I DIDN’T MEAN THAT, SHUT IT DOWN,’ Facebook disclosed in 2016 that location data was one of the criteria in suggesting prospective friends, then reversing it days later and stating emphatically that it was not. Cool.

There have been a lot of somewhat concerning stories about how eerily accurate the alleged algorithm is; ‘Seriously, I’ve had enough reporters ask me, scared out, why Facebook is suggesting their protected sources,’ tweeted Violet Blue, a cybercrime reporter.

If this is accurate, it implies that Facebook employs comparable technologies to the NSA.

During their examination, Fusion discovered a slew of anecdotal evidence pointing to the usage of location services. One example is a guy who went to an anonymous meeting for suicidal teens and then saw one of the kids he had no interaction with other than being in the same location, show up as a recommended friend. They contacted Facebook, which said, ‘Location information by itself does not imply that two people are friends, which is why location is just one of the criteria we use to recommend individuals you may know.’

When Fusion released a story outlining how this is a privacy disaster, Facebook reversed it almost quickly. The sentence was updated to reflect the reality that location services had been tested a year before but were not one of the extremely vague “other variables” mentioned on the support site.

The journalist in issue characterized the experience as “repertorial whiplash” because “I’ve never had a spokesman affirm and then retract a story so fast.”

To prevent applications from accessing your location, adjust the location settings on your phone, or uninstall the Facebook app and use Safari instead. There are other browsers accessible.

Is it true that your recommended buddies are dependent on who has looked at your profile?

There is no concrete proof that someone else’s behavior impacts your page, and a Facebook staffer made very explicit in a recent Quora thread:

Thank you for your insightful and detailed answer, Peter. However, I find it impossible to imagine that, in order to build the ideal recommended friends list, Zuckerberg would not have intended the algorithm to go into gear when you search for someone or when someone searches for you. Because surely it is the cleanest method to determine whether you want to be friends? Furthermore, there are just too many anecdotes to dismiss.

‘I just saw someone with whom I haven’t been in contact in many years and with whom I didn’t want to be in touch,’ writes one anonymous Quora member. ‘Two weeks later, I received a friend request from that individual. I don’t have any mutual acquaintances, and this individual is far away from my social circle. I have no other explanation until this individual suddenly recalled me after almost twenty years since I contacted them.’

According to David Liben-Nowell, a computer science professor at Carleton College who studies the formation and development of social networks, in a recent Vice study into how this recommended buddy list works:

‘My suspicion is that [Facebook] is suggesting friends to you based on names you’ve looked for or accounts you’ve seen. It would almost be ridiculous for them not to: if you express interest in someone while using Facebook, you’ve effectively informed Facebook that you may want to establish a connection with them.’

Agreed – that makes a lot of sense if they’re attempting to be as accurate as possible with the people they recommend. Furthermore, there is some pretty strong evidence indicating that the friend grid is based on who is looking at your profile, so why not recommended friends? When you think about it, it makes even more sense.

Is it true that your recommended buddies are based on your phone contacts?

This is an unequivocal yes. You will have accidentally synchronized all of your phone contacts to Messenger during one of the numerous app upgrades. If you’ve enabled Facebook to sync your phone contacts, it’ll recommend you connect with them online. It may be strange, however, if you don’t realize you’ve placed someone in your contacts because you’re intoxicated, and then they’re recommended to you.

‘Somehow, my recommended friends list is usually filled with women I’ve had one-night encounters with,’ claims a Reddit user who uses terms like ‘chicks.’ ‘Facebook searches through my contacts on my phone and suggests it using their phone numbers. It’s a little weird when you meet a female you met once and don’t even know her last name, but they’re recommended for you.’

You can easily get rid of this by going to settings in the Facebook app on your phone and scrolling down till you find ‘Sync Contacts.’ Click the ‘remove Facebook’ button. Done. Removed.

Also, look at the popup that appears when you’re ready to delete the contacts:

‘Friend recommendations for you and your friends may become less relevant if you opt to delete your imported contacts.’ MATE, YES. THAT’S SOME OF WHAT I WANT BECAUSE YOU’RE CREEPING ME OUT.

Are Facebook friend recommendations based on third-party applications such as Tinder?

The official position is that this is not the case. In fact, they couldn’t make it more clearer than this: ‘We do not utilize cookies from third-party sites to create or rank People You May Know,’ they say on their website. So there you have it.

However, if you’re becoming concerned by the sudden appearance of Tinder matches/people you’ve Bumbled, you’re not alone – it’s a relatively new phenomenon. And if you don’t have their phone number, how the heck do they know if they aren’t receiving it via Tinder?

Your Tinder match is likely to have attempted to stalk you on Facebook as well, but Facebook claims they don’t recommend friends who search your name.

However, a less speculative option is that you have their phone number in your Whatsapp contacts. Because Whatsapp purchased Facebook, if you’ve been’sapping and haven’t un-synced your Facebook connections (as described above), you should do it right now.

Is it possible to disable or delete Facebook’s recommended friends?

Yes, but only indirectly. If you block someone, they will no longer appear on your recommended friends list. If you have any especially upsetting individuals in your background, it may be worth taking a big breath, a dram of whiskey (or, like, a glass of juice), and carrying out the deed.


Did you know you can select who you don’t want to appear in that dreadful On This Day feature? They will also not appear in your recommended friends list, which may be a good option if you don’t want to completely ban someone but simply don’t want them to appear all the time.