There is, at least, if you use Gmail. You may use Gmail to set up an auto reply that sends out particular template replies depending on the content of the emails you receive, allowing you to spend less time in your inbox and more time doing what really counts.

With that in mind, here are step-by-step instructions for setting up an auto reply in Gmail, as well as examples on how to make the most of this valuable tool in your company.

Using Gmail to Create a Canned Response for Auto Replies

You must first create a message that will serve as your automated response before you can use the auto response function.

Step 1: Go to, then choose ‘Settings’ from the gear icon:

Step 2: In the menu, choose ‘Advanced,’ then ‘Enable’ next to ‘Canned Responses (Templates)’:

Remember to click the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3. Now that you’ve enabled ‘Canned Responses,’ you can compose a new email by selecting the ‘Compose’ button in the top lefthand corner and entering the message you wish to be sent out automatically. To access the email settings, click the three dots in the email box after you’ve completed. Choose ‘Canned replies’ and then ‘New canned response’ from the drop-down menu:

Step 4: A window will appear, allowing you to name your prepared answer. Select ‘OK’ after typing in the name:

How to Set Up Gmail Auto Reply

You’re ready to utilize your auto response email template as an auto response to certain emails now that you’ve saved it as a prepared answer.

Step 1: Click the gear symbol once again and choose ‘Settings’:

Step 2: This time, go to the menu and choose ‘Filters and Blocked Addresses.’ Choose ‘Create a new filter’ from the drop-down menu:

Step 3: Select whatever rules you want to apply to the Gmail filter in the next box that appears. You may choose to include certain “From” email addresses, a specified topic, or emails that include (or do not contain) specific phrases in your emails. Click ‘Create filter’ when you’re finished:

Step 4. On the following page, choose the prepared answer you made by checking the box that reads “Send canned response.”

Step 5 . You’re done when you click on ‘Create Filter.’ In Gmail, you’ve now successfully set up auto responses.

Keep in mind that although old mail will not get a programmed response, any new mail that meets the parameters you specify for your filter will receive one automatically in the future.

Useful Gmail Auto Reply Examples

You may set up a variety of various kinds of auto responses, based on their intended use and purpose. Here are some examples that you may adapt to your own requirements.

1. Provide excellent customer service

When a consumer submits a customer service request, they must now play the waiting game. This raises the following question:

While they wait for an answer, what can you say to make them feel important?

Try a little spice instead of quiet or a boring old “Your support request was received” kind of email. Here’s an excellent example:

This email, as you can see, was sent by a real person and included a picture, which gives a strong personal touch. It addresses the client by name, provides a timetable for a response, expresses appreciation, and even includes a joke. Now the client knows precisely what to anticipate and when to expect it, and they can be certain that their query or problem will be addressed quickly.

2. Competition/Giveaway

When people join up for your contest or giveaway, they should all be winners. Obviously, not everyone can win the big prize, but providing a discount coupon or some free premium content may go a long way. Here’s a real-life example:

Rather from being excessively graphic-laden and ad-like, this email seems to have been handwritten. It includes particular connections to promote the company’s social media pages, as well as the opportunity to send the contest entry to friends and a substantial discount code to express appreciation. It’s really brief, but it’s extremely effective.

3. Confirmation of Delivery

Shipping confirmations are tedious, but they are required to keep your consumers informed. Derek Sivers, an entrepreneur and author, sent the following shipment confirmation email, which he calls “the most effective email I ever wrote”:

Whereas other businesses would just send a “Your stuff is on the way” email, Derek’s shipment confirmation email stands out by including a hilarious dialogue. While the customer service auto reply example does a decent job of including a sense of humour, this email goes above and above, while also giving important information such as the delivery date. Finally, Derek’s own signature line and genuine thanks round off the email. It’s also a nice touch to have the message come from the company’s president.

4. ‘In Search Of A Quote’

If you work in the service business (wedding photography, insurance, etc. ), you probably receive a lot of requests for estimates. You may not be able to respond immediately soon, but you want the prospect to feel unique enough that they would wait for your answer rather than go to the competition. Here’s an outstanding example:

While this email is a bit on the lengthy side, it clearly reflects the sender’s personality and provides the prospect with a personal touch that may help make the wait for a quotation more bearable. She demonstrates her humanity by sharing a glimpse into her personal life with the prospect, establishes a fair response period, and provides information about her company that the receiver may find helpful. It doesn’t get much better than that, does it?

5. Autoresponder for Vacations

[Your Salutation],

Thank you so much for your email.

I’ll be out of the office beginning on 2024 and will be back on 2024.

During this period, if you need assistance, one of my team members will be able to assist you. They may be reached at [phone number] from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

During my absence, you may contact [Name] at [email] for non-urgent questions, and they would be glad to help.

Are you planning a vacation?

 It’s critical that you use Gmail to set up an office auto-responder. As you can see, auto reply emails may be used in a variety of ways that don’t come off as impersonal. They may even teach your audience, prospects, or coworkers to anticipate specific wait times, provide them with important information on autopilot, or just brighten their day – all while relieving the load of your bloated email inbox.

Using Gmail to Improve Your Email Automation

Never again be concerned about falling behind on your outreach activities. You may send follow-up emails to a prospect or a journalist without worrying about who you’ve contacted and who you haven’t. Your automatic follow-up emails should offer context and value to your prospects, reminding them of what your product is and why it matters.


A follow-up email may inquire as to whether the receiver got the email and whether they are interested. If the receiver does not reply to the second email, you may wish to follow up with a third email stating that you will not contact them again.