How To Download Twitter Datasheet For Research

Every day, millions of tweets are made on the famous social media network ‘Twitter.’ Hundreds of thousands of people participate in and respond to discussions in a couple of seconds. However, you can only see the tweets of persons you follow.

Twitter is a digital treasure of knowledge since so much stuff is exchanged there. This knowledge may be used in a variety of ways, including,

scholarly investigation

Marketing on social media

A market studies

Analysis of Sentiment

ML stands for machine learning.

Detection of Hate Speech

However, in order to do academic research or sentiment analysis, you must have access to specialized Twitter datasets. Specific Twitter data connected to a hashtag, phrase, or search term is often required by researchers.

In this article, we’ll go through how you may easily obtain Twitter datasets. Several free Twitter datasets are accessible for download on the internet.

If you want to proceed to the article where you may obtain free Twitter datasets with direct download links, CLICK HERE.

How can I get Twitter datasets?

The most common approach to get Twitter datasets is through the Twitter API. To get data from Twitter, you may use one of three types of APIs.

  1. API for searching

You may get Twitter data connected to any public Twitter account, hashtag, or phrase using the search API. Despite the fact that the Search API has its own set of constraints. It only shows the most recent 3200 tweets, including responses and retweets, for each tweet submitted by the user.

The tweet limit for hashtags and keywords is set to the most recent 5000 tweets.

  1. API for Streaming

The Search API may be used to extract historical Twitter data, whilst the Streaming API can be used to retrieve real-time Twitter information. However, the Streaming API, like the Search API, has restrictions.

The Streaming API only allows you to access a subset of the essential Twitter dataset. The sample size for the hashtag or search query may range from 1% to 4% of all tweets.




  1. API for Firehose

The Firehose API offers the same advantages as the Streaming API, but without the limits. It is handled by third-party data providers and is not constrained by infrastructure constraints that restrict its usefulness.

It is administered by GNIP and Data Sift, two reputable data suppliers with strong ties to Twitter. The Firehose API allows you to get all tweets connected to a hashtag or keyword in real time.

Although the Twitter API is a wonderful way to get Twitter datasets, not every user has access to Twitter APIs. Such users need a third-party Twitter analysis program that allows them to easily extract Twitter data.

Track My Hashtag

It is a fantastic premium Twitter analytics software that allows you to get Twitter datasets include ancient Tweets, raw Twitter statistics, and a wealth of information. The AI-powered data retrieval approaches can enable access to Twitter datasets associated with any hashtag, phrase, or @mention.

Simply go to and choose historical Twitter data.

Fill up the form with the details of the Twitter data sets you want. Once you have completed the form, our staff will contact you with pricing and other information.

Final Thoughts

Twitter datasets are a significant source of information for both marketers and researchers. Track My Hashtag may assist in downloading Twitter datasets connected to any search phrase in an easy-to-use excel CSV file.