Why Is Twitter Not Showing Following And Followers

Because you’ve already amassed a decent follower count, you’re probably aware that individuals unfollow accounts for a number of reasons, and that a little amount of follower churn is perfectly typical and may occur to anybody. It usually occurs when you stop publishing and interacting with your fans.

If you find that you are rapidly losing Twitter followers, you should respond immediately since this unnatural churn is most likely caused by something else.

A declining follower count may have an impact on your engagement, making it more difficult to regain followers.

Pro Tip: You may rapidly recover from a decrease in followers by using a Twitter growth service, which provides you with a dedicated manager to assist you develop your Twitter account.

Preventing people from unfollowing you doesn’t have to be tough, but there isn’t much you can do until you understand why they’re unfollowing you.

When you see your follower count dropping, the first thing you should do is take an honest look at your Twitter profile and figure out why people are leaving.

We’ve listed a few of the most frequent reasons why you may be losing Twitter followers. Take a look at them and decide whether or not any of them apply to you.

Why are Twitter followers and following decreasing?

The following are the most frequent reasons why you are losing following and followers on twitter.

Fake follower networks are becoming a major problem on Facebook and Twitter.

Naturally, as these follower networks increase in size, Twitter will begin to clamp down on them more, typically in big batches through modifications to their algorithm and detection techniques.

Pro tip: It’s very simple to identify Twitter followers; check for common characteristics such as no avatar, nonsensical names, and high “following” and low “followers” counts.

If you’ve observed that you’ve lost hundreds of followers overnight, it’s highly probable that Twitter has taken on phony follower networks.

When Twitter’s anti-spam system detects and suspends a Twitter account, it deducts followers from your account (just like it never existed).

Twitter is continuously fighting spam and bot networks, and it is notorious for doing a large purge every few of months, causing your follower count to decrease dramatically.

But don’t worry, even if the counter is dropping, you’ll be receiving higher engagement rates per follower and your Twitter account will no longer be a ghost town.

Fake followers were never really followers in the first place, so keep that in mind while you continue to provide excellent content for your actual followers.

Solution: Continue to publish excellent material and strive for genuine interaction from actual people. If your users were fake, you didn’t receive any benefit from them to begin with.

Fake users will not interact with your content, visit your website, or buy anything.

All they were doing was boosting your number of followers. Which adds no value beyond what it gives your ego?

Finally, avoid using applications and bots to increase your following since they may artificially inflate your statistics and interact with possible false followers.

There are many methods to get Twitter followers without using bots, and I suggest that you investigate them.

You don’t make enough posts.

Every day, a large amount of material is uploaded on Twitter. To remain relevant, you must publish at least every other day.

People may not be able to interact with your posts if you don’t publish often.

Maintaining a regular publishing schedule will help people recognize your material and encourage them to engage more often if they like the information you provide.

You want to make certain that you are providing your followers with plenty of what they want.

Otherwise, when you do publish, you won’t get much interaction, and people may feel they’ve had enough of what you’ve had to show in their feed and unfollow you.

Make the most of Twitter by posting often enough to entice your followers to follow your account.

Solution: Because Twitter is such a fast-paced environment, posting numerous times per day (around 3-4 times per day) is a terrific goal to strive for and totally typical.

If you publish less than that, your tweets may seem erratic, making it difficult to connect with your followers.

Posting often enough will also be something you want to try and tweak based on the amount of interaction you get on your posts.

If you find that publishing more throughout the week leads in decreased engagement, you might experiment with other ways of posting.

Only you will understand how much promotion you need for your target demographic, which you will discover via trial and error.

You may also experiment with pinned Tweets. These are ideal for call to actions or essential messages that you want everyone who visits your Twitter profile to read.

Learn how to pin a tweet and put it into action as quickly as possible for a guaranteed increase in interaction.


Your tweets are of poor quality.

Because Twitter is mainly a text-based medium, keep your tweets brief and to the point.

After all, on a platform that comprises world-class professionals, company owners, legislators, industry leaders, and even ordinary people who aren’t afraid to express themselves.

It may be the message itself, rather than the quality of the tweets. You want to ensure that your tweet is well-received by your target audience.

Is the material you’re sharing on Twitter likely to be shared by your followers, or does it serve a purpose in your specific niche? Or are you just retweeting generic tweets that you find elsewhere?

If your tweets aren’t distinctive and don’t provide the value that your followers signed up for, they may opt to unfollow you.

Solution: Make sure your tweets are engaging and often generate discussion. At the same time, avoid being formulaic and dull with your tweets.

You’re pushing yourself much too hard.

If you’re publishing 20 times per day and your material is all about you, you may be posting too often.

People may be turned off if your material seems to be overly self-promotional.

After all, how much do you like it when businesses tweet about sales or goods they sell? We enjoy postings like that since we follow companies that publish them, but we don’t want to see them several times a day from the same company.

Self-promotion may get tedious after a while, and your followers may opt to unfollow you if all you’ve done for the past month is post about yourself several times a day.

Those have more options for who they follow on Twitter than ever before, making it simple for them to unfollow people who are solely interested in self-promotion.

Even individuals who are just interested in themselves take the time to tweet about goods and other topics. You, too, can make an attempt. Post about something other than yourself.

Solution: Change up your material and write about topics related to your specialty. If you make an effort to post about things that are hot in your industry but do not necessarily include your brand, you may discover that you get more interaction than when you post about yourself.

You’re publishing something that isn’t related to your topic.

If you publish outside of the topic for which you or your business is known, those who followed you for the material in that niche may unfollow you.

This may be OK if you just lose a few followers every now and then, but if you see a big group of followers leaving, you should make sure you aren’t deviating from the route you set out when you first began your account.

Twitter covers a broad range of topics, and many users choose to follow individuals who tweet about particular themes.

You may discover that individuals are more committed to just viewing what fascinates them than you originally imagined.

Solution: Review your material and make sure you’re not tweeting about things that aren’t related to your topic. A tweet here and there is acceptable, but it should not have a major impact on your Twitter follower count. Whether you still want to produce fresh material, consider if you want to switch genres or if you need to establish a new account for each new tweet you want to send.

You bought your following.

Aside from the fact that bought followers will not result in interaction, clicks, or purchases, there is another issue: they will vanish sooner or later.

How? Either the service you purchased followers from began removing all of those follows (all at once or gradually), or Twitter found out what was going on and began removing those phony followers.

Solution: avoid using this technique. Purchasing followers may seem to be a fantastic method to increase your social proof in the short term, but even so, it is quite simple to determine that your followers are not real.

Final Thoughts

Twitter has experienced similar problems in the past, resulting in Twitter followers vanishing from user accounts for hours, or even days.

When this occurs, there is typically news on the Internet, thus searching “Twitter glitch” should provide you an explanation and establish that this is really a problem.

Simply wait. When their staff resolves the problem, the number of followers should return to normal. It may take a day or two, but be patient-you will get there in the end.