How Do I View Saved Videos From Facebook

You’re browsing around Facebook, killing time, when you come across a lengthy article or a video that piques your attention. Facebook, being the social media behemoth that it is, is chock-full of various types of material that are a nice combination of educational, amusing, and sometimes thought-provoking subject matter.

The problem is, sometimes you simply don’t have the time or energy to read or watch the whole video. Perhaps it’s too lengthy and you have something else you need to do; perhaps you’re not in the proper frame of mind; or perhaps you’re in a location or circumstance where noise is prohibited. You think you can always save the article or video for later viewing.

When you finally have a chance to unwind and view that video, you can’t locate it.

Does it ring a bell?

The issue with storing videos on Facebook is that your saved list is more difficult to locate than you would expect. The position of the video list varies based on whatever device you are using at the time. The majority of individuals will have a PC or laptop, a smartphone (iPhone or Android), and perhaps a tablet or iPad.

P.S. Looking for a fast method to increase your Facebook views? Consider using SocialAppsHQ’s Facebook video views service. You’ll get actual and active Facebook people to watch your videos, making it easier for them to become viral.

How do I view stored Facebook videos on my computer?

  1. Log in to the Facebook website if you are using a computer, whether a PC or a Macbook.
  2. Pay attention to the left side of the screen and search for the title “Explore.”
  3. When you see it, click “See More” and then “Saved.” This will display all of the things you have saved, including posts and videos.
  4. Click on the drop-down menu button that reads “All” and then click on “Videos” to see videos.

Take note: If you’re using the new Facebook interface, the “Saved” option will already be on the left side of the page. Facebook will then take you to a page with all of your saved things.

You may also look for your videos in the “My Collections” area, which has organized folders of saved articles and videos.

Pro Tip from the SocialAppsHQ Team: If you come across any videos that get a lot of interaction, bookmark the video so you can return to it later for ideas. It will assist you in coming up with ideas for high-quality Facebook videos.

How can I view stored Facebook videos on my phone or mobile device?

If, on the other hand, you want to view your stored videos on Facebook through your phone, whether it’s an iPhone or an Android, launch the Facebook app first.

  1. Find the three bars, or the “hamburger” menu symbol, at the bottom of the screen for iPhones and the top of the screen for Androids, and touch on it.
  2. Next, locate and press the “Saved” tab. You may now browse through your stored items by tapping on “See All.”
  3. You may also choose the dropdown menu option that says “All” and has an arrow pointing down in the upper right corner of the screen. After that, a menu will display with categories such as “Videos.”

How can I get a movie I saved on Facebook to my computer?

While there is no simple method for downloading videos from Facebook, it is still feasible. Third-party applications, in particular, may assist with this. However, bear in mind that the social media site has been set up to keep material from Facebook on Facebook. Consider if you can just store the video or post rather than downloading it permanently.

How do I preserve a Facebook Messenger video?

When videos are shared via Messenger, they cannot be downloaded if they were initially posted to Facebook. Videos posted directly to Messenger, such as those shot with your phone or uploaded from your computer, may, however, be downloaded by another person on their computer or mobile device. This is a pretty easy procedure that is essentially the same for both iPhones and Androids.

  1. To begin, use the Facebook app on your mobile device and search for the person who gave you the video.
  2. Once you’ve found it, press and hold the video while it’s in preview mode.
  3. A pop-up menu will appear, at which point you should choose “Save.”
  4. The video will then appear in your phone’s media gallery.

What happens when a video is shared on Facebook?

When you share a video on Facebook, the audience that may view it is determined by the privacy settings on that specific post. Anyone on Facebook who has it set to “Public” will be able to view it. Only your Facebook connections will be able to view it if it is set to “Friends.”

There is also a “Friends of friends” option, which allows your contacts’ friends who are not your contacts to view it. If your video is something you don’t want anybody else to see, there’s also a “Only Me” option. You may also use the “Custom” option to exclude just a particular person or people from viewing the video. If you have made custom lists on Facebook, you may use the “Lists” option. Examples include “family members,” “school,” and the like.

Wrap Up

I think i have explained everything regarding the ways to view saved videos from facebook. Hope you liked it, sharing will surely help you a lot.