Can I Login To Instagram With My Facebook Account

Ever since Facebook bought Instagram, the two networks have been slowly getting closer and offering more integration. If you’re a social media marketer, small business owner, or just like sharing content across networks, linking Instagram and Facebook is a no-brainer. You can share content across both and make the most of the power of visual content. You can even log into Instagram through Facebook to save valuable seconds.

Usually, I’m all about keeping networks separate and not sharing too much data between them. When it comes to marketing, that changes. It’s all about efficiency and about getting the widest reach with the least effort. Linking Instagram with Facebook helps achieve that. You can share across both platforms with a single click so it makes sense to do it.

Link Instagram to Facebook

If you have a Facebook page and an Instagram account, linking the two is easy. Then you can share content seamlessly between the two networks without losing formatting or impact.

  1. Open Instagram on you phone
  2. Log in, select your profile, and then select the Settings menu.
  3. Select Account then tap on ‘Sharing to Other Apps’
  4. Select Facebook and log in with your Facebook account details if you’re not logged in on your phone. Give the app permissions when requested.
  5. You will be then ask to setup your Accounts Center. Choose your Facebook account or tap Change then select Continue.
  6. Select where to share on Facebook. Tap Continue to finish Account Center set-up.
  7. Select ‘Start Sharing to Facebook’.
  8. Go back to Accounts Center. Make sure the ‘Share with Facebook’ option for Stories and Posts and ‘Logging in with accounts‘ are both enabled.

That’s it. Facebook will ask you who will see your posts, Friends, Everyone, or Nobody. If you’re planning to use the accounts for marketing, you should select Everyone. If you’re just experimenting, keep it to Friends. You can always change these permissions later.

You may be asked where to share. For example, Timeline, business page, or elsewhere. If you’re marketing, select ‘business page’.

If you find this isn’t working out for you, all you need to do is go back to the Linked Accounts menu on Instagram. Select Facebook and select Unlink Account.

Log into Instagram through Facebook

You can log into one network through the other just the same as you can use login with Facebook on many other apps or websites. Just open Instagram on your phone and select Log In With Facebook. If you’re already logged into Facebook, you will automatically log in. If you’re not, add your Facebook login when prompted and select the blue Login button.

If you’re setting up a new Instagram account, you can do the same thing. Install Instagram and select Log In With Facebook as above. It will then create an account and link it to your Facebook. The only problem with this is that it will give you a random username and password unless you edit it.

To edit your default Instagram login details, do this:

  1. Log into Instagram using the Facebook login.
  2. Select your Profile icon at the bottom right and select Edit Profile.
  3. Select your username and change it to something more personal.
  4. Head back to your profile screen, tap on the hamburger icon at the upper right then select Settings.
  5. Tap on Account then select Personal Information. Check the Email Address to ensure it is correct. Tap it to edit.
  6. Go back to the settings menu and select Security.
  7. Select Password from the list to reset.

You should see a notification that says something like ‘We sent an email to ADDRESS with a link to reset your password’. That email address will be the one you have in your account. This is why I say to check the email in Step 4 as we will need to access it to get the password reset link. Check your email, follow the link, and set a unique password. Now your Instagram account is all yours.

You can make these changes on the web if you prefer. Use this link to edit your Instagram profile and this link to request a password reset. The principle is the same, as is the end result.

You can still log into Instagram through Facebook but you have now set up your account to be accessed independently too. You can now change your profile image, add a bio, and modify your Instagram account as you like and it will not affect that login.

How to Unlink Your Instagram Account

So, you’ve linked your two accounts which means you can cross-post your content. But, what can you do when you no longer want to have the two connected?

Whether you’re deactivating your Facebook account or you just want to separate the two services, it is possible to do so without losing all of your posts.

All you need to do is follow the same steps as above, then open Account Center. From there, tap your connected account then select ‘Remove from Accounts Center’ under the Account & Profiles option. Your Facebook profile will still hold your Instagram information until you remove that and you’ll need to delete all of your Instagram posts from Facebook, but more on that here.

Even after you link your two accounts they still have a separate login (yes, you can log in using the Facebook option on Instagram but they’re still separate). If your Instagram account is compromised or vise versa it doesn’t necessarily mean that your Facebook account is also under threat.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eYou should update your login information on both to ensure optimum security but generally just because someone gets into one account it does not mean that they have access to both.

One of the neat things about both platforms is that you can have multiple accounts or pages under the same login. This means that you can easily toggle between your professional and personal profiles. u003cbru003eu003cbru003eYou can link multiple Instagram accounts to the same Facebook page. All you need to do is follow the same steps above for each Instagram account.

Sharing is caring

Linking Instagram to Facebook saves time and makes social media marketing more efficient but you need to use it with care. Make sure to keep your personal and business accounts separate and only post relevant content. While there is a lot of crossover between the Instagram audience and the Facebook audience, there are also times when there isn’t. Knowing when you can cross-post and when it works is a key skill of a marketer