Is It Possible To Have An Instagram Account Without A Facebook Account

Creating an Instagram account via Facebook may be problematic since it does not provide you with a password. If you wish to access your Instagram account without Facebook in the future, you must change your password.

We all know that utilizing Instagram Facebook login is simple; therefore, first establish an Instagram account without Facebook, then connect your Facebook social media account from the Linked Account option in the Instagram settings, and presto, you may login with your Facebook account as well.

How to Make an Instagram Account Without Using Facebook

Using the Instagram App-The procedure is the same for Android, iPhone, and Windows Smartphones.

Step 1: If you haven’t already, here’s the link to download and install the Instagram app:

Step 2: After installing the program, launch it and you will be presented with three options:

Sign in with Facebook

Step3: After clicking the Sign Up link, you will be sent to an Instagram account registration page where you may establish an account using your phone number or email address. You may use any of them; the process is almost same.

For this lesson, we’re going to use the phone number.

Enter your phone number and then press the Next button.

Step 4: When you press the Next button after entering the phone number with which you wish to create and register an Instagram account, an OTP code message will be sent to your phone. As a result, be certain that the phone number is current and within your reach.

Once you’ve received the OTP code from Instagram to confirm your phone number, put it in the Confirmation Code Box and click Next.

If you did not get the code, you may request one by clicking on the link above the Confirmation box.

Step 5: The following page will open for you to input your Instagram’s Full Name and Password. Instagram generated a Username based on your Full Name, however you may change it by clicking the link “Change Username.” If you don’t want to modify it right now, you may do it later from the Edit profile option.

Step 6: In this step, Instagram asks you to connect with Facebook so that you may follow your Facebook friends on Instagram. After there, if you wish, add a profile photo; otherwise, skip it to go to the Instagram main page.

Step 7: Complete Setup – Edit Instagram Account Profile

Tap the profile icon in the lower right corner, followed by Edit Profile.

To update the profile image, press on the change photo button and choose between using the camera or uploading from the phone’s gallery.

If you wish to alter your name, click on the Name box.

If you did not alter the username given by Instagram when setting up the account above, you may do so now by clicking on the Username Field.

Use the Website box if you have a website or wish to provide a link, such as a YouTube profile. Use the BIO area to inform others about yourself.

Please provide an email address that you can access in the email column so that you may reset your Instagram password if you forget it in the future.

The last field, Phone number, may be used to enter or change a phone number.

Create an Instagram account on a desktop computer without using Facebook.

Go to on your desktop PC web browser.

Click the Sign Up button.

You may join up using either your phone number or your email address, like we did in the last App lesson.

Fill up additional information, such as your full name and password.

The rest of the steps to set up an Instagram account on a PC without Facebook are the same as with the app.

Final Words

So, These are all the steps to create an instagram account without a facebook account. Hope you got it completely.