How Do I Schedule Facebook Messages Not Posts

We all value communication with friends and clients, but let’s face it: no one is flawless. We have a tendency to forget things from time to time. We’ve all been there, whether it’s forgetting to follow up with someone or just forgetting to send that SMS on that specific day. Thankfully, a new software has been assisting in the resolution of this problem.

Greetings, Moxy Messenger!

“With Moxy’s assistance, you’ll never forget to send that crucial message again. Simply enter your message and schedule it, and we’ll take care of the rest. If you’re anything like me, you’ll need a few reminders now and again. Moxy was developed specifically for that.”

How It Works — Key Features

One of Moxy Messenger’s most useful features is the ability to schedule future messages or emails. The software imports your contacts, but you may also input numbers or emails for those who aren’t on your list. You may simply modify or postpone your message after it has been scheduled. When it’s time to send your message, consumers have the option of snoozing it, deleting it, or sending it directly from their phone’s home screen. Moxy also uses Apple’s Siri voice control to generate new scheduled messages, in addition to in-app functionality. By just saying, “Hey Siri, send a Moxy message,” users may compose their future message without having to use their hands.

You may schedule messages with Moxy by using the following methods:

Creating a Message Schedule

Message scheduling is a breeze with Moxy.

Choose the kind of message you want to send and who you want to send it to.

Choose a date and time.

Schedule your message once you’ve finished composing it.

Managing Messages That Have Been Scheduled

On the main page, all of your scheduled messages are shown together and sorted by sending date.

You may send the message by pressing the arrow, or modify it by tapping the message’s card.

Do you want to remove and cancel a message? There is no need to be concerned. To remove the card, just slide it left.

Reception of the Reminder

Moxy will email you a reminder of your planned message when the date and time approaches.

The notice already has the prepared message attached to it. So, when you’re ready to send it, just touch the notification, and Moxy will open with your message ready to send through your preferred method.

Final Words

You may also choose to postpone or remove the communication without having to open the app.