Is There A Way To See Names Of People Who Like Specific Facebook Page

Because individuals may choose who can see what they’ve liked, you may not see the names of everyone who likes your Page. Only the names of individuals who have publicly liked your Page will be shown.

  1. To view a list of people who like your page,
  2. At the top of your page, click Settings.
  3. In the left column, choose People and Other Pages.
  4. View the list of individuals who have liked this page and the date on which they liked it.
  5. To view who follows this page, pages that like this page, or a list of individuals or pages that have been banned from this page, click the button and choose the appropriate option.

What information can I see about the people who like my page and how can I see it?

You may view the following demographic information about individuals who like your Page on Facebook: age, gender, nation, city, and language.

  1. To view demographic information about your Page’s fans, go to:
  2. At the top of your page, choose Insights.
  3. On the left, click People.
  4. To view the proportion of people who like your Page by age, gender, nation, city, and language, go to the Your Fans area.

How can I see when the most active members of my Facebook page are online?

To view information on all of the posts you’ve published to your Page, go to the Posts area of your Insights. You’ll be able to view the different kinds of posts you’ve made and which ones get the most engagement.

Those with videos, for example, may have a higher reach than posts with pictures. You’ll also see engagement data that may help you figure out what kinds of postings get the most likes, shares, and other interactions. You can also check when your fans are online the most. When you decide to start scheduling articles to run at certain times, knowing this information will come in handy.

To view information and analytics about the posts you’ve made on your Page, go to:

  1. At the top of your page, choose Insights.
  2. On the left, choose Posts.
  3. Look at the times of day when your followers are most engaged on social media.
  4. Scroll down to the section under “All Published Posts.”

What is the best way to schedule posts on my Facebook page?

Set your next article to go live when your audience is most likely to be online and ready to interact to remain organized and proactive. This way, even if you’re not at your computer, you can make sure your post goes up at the appropriate moment.

To schedule a post, follow these steps:

  1. Begin writing your article from the very beginning of your page’s timeline.
  2. Select Schedule from the drop-down menu next to the Publish button.
  3. In the Publication Schedule box, choose a future day and time for your article to be published.
  4. Select the Schedule option.

To postpone, modify, or remove a scheduled post, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the top of your Facebook profile and choose Publishing Tools.
  2. In the left column, choose Scheduled Posts.
  3. Select the post you wish to modify from the drop-down menu.

The dialog window for posting appears.

  1. Click Edit to make changes to the post, or click Publish, Reschedule, or Remove to publish, reschedule, or delete it.
  2. Depending on the option you choose, do the necessary steps.

Final Words

So, These are the ways to see list of people who like specific facebook page.Please share these step-by-step instructions with a friend if you find them useful.