Is It Bad To Add Random People On Facebook

Facebook is a fantastic way to stay in touch with old and new friends. However, when we accept strangers’ friend requests and let them into our digital life, it may become a darker, more dangerous world.

While the phantom “don’t add this guy because he is a hacker who will erase your computer” stories are false, it doesn’t imply adding anybody to your Facebook group is a good idea. Accepting strangers on Facebook is never a smart idea for the following reasons.

  1. Identity thieves are salivating over your profile.

When you add individuals you don’t know on Facebook, they get access to the information you publish, including personal information. You may believe that the posts and pictures you share on Facebook are worthless to cybercriminals, but you’d be shocked at what professional identity thieves can learn from your account and how they may exploit apparently innocuous material against you.

Photos, for example, may indicate where you reside. Your birthdate shows your birth date. Adding someone as a friend on Facebook may disclose information such as your friends, where you work, where you vacation, where you went to school, names of family members, and even your contact information, depending on the data you choose to share with Facebook.

Your Facebook account is a goldmine for identity fraudsters, who may use it to impersonate you online. So, in the first place, don’t allow outsiders access to that information.

  1. It jeopardizes your friends’ privacy.

Consider your Facebook pals to be a chain that is only as strong as its weakest link. Accepting a stranger as a friend on Facebook not only gives them access to your information, but it also allows them access to specific information about your friends. A stranger, for example, may view pictures or check-ins in which you and your friends are tagged, as well as postings made by your friends on your timeline.

Because you let that stranger into your circle of friends, they will be able to view everything your friends are tagged in that you are also tagged in, so don’t be the weakest link in your chain!

  1. They may be a con artist or worse.

Accepting a friend request from a stranger on Facebook offers them many options for contacting you on the social network, including the ability to post on your timeline or message you through Messenger. And if that stranger is a fraudster, they may now send you harmful links that might lead to malware-laden or phishing websites. Or they may be a romance scammer attempting to win your confidence in order to dupe you into paying money or disclosing personal details.

Worse, it might be someone attempting to entice you into meeting up in person, where a number of extremely severe crimes could possibly occur. It’s just simpler and safer to avoid putting oneself in that situation.

  1. It endangers your home and possessions.

A would-be burglar would love to know when your home is vacant and unprotected, and many of us happily broadcast that information on our Facebook timelines via holiday photos, check-ins, or postings.

Even if you don’t, the people you’re with are likely to tag you in a post, and it will all appear on your timeline.

  1. It puts your account at danger of being cloned on Facebook.

Accepting a stranger as a friend on Facebook may indicate that they intend to clone your account. This entails establishing a new account but utilizing the details from your existing account to make it seem to be a duplicate.

Crooks may theoretically duplicate your account without being your friend since they already have access to your profile image, cover photo, and name, but having access to additional information about you allows them to add more information to their cloned account, making it more credible. They may see who you are friends with now that they are your friend, either by looking at your friend list (if it is accessible) or simply by looking at your postings and who you are tagged with in pictures or other posts. They may then forward friend requests to your contacts.

One Last Thought

Crooks may then utilize their cloned account to fool other Facebook users into accepting friend requests, and from there, any variety of frauds can take place as the criminal poses as you to your friends.