Why Does Facebook Sucks One

Facebook was once upon a time a joyful place. Friends sent adorable pictures of their children and dogs. In 100 words or fewer, people made clever little remarks or mini-stories. Someone might sometimes ask for a restaurant suggestion. Maybe they’d describe why they like a certain film or music. Among friends, the answer would be immediate and generally meaningful. Facebook, unlike Twitter, was a really interactive platform. Facebook’s popularity grew as a result of user reactions and discussions.

That was quite a while ago. Facebook now resembles a once-thriving neighborhood now blighted by payday lending shops, political campaign posters, and unsightly billboards. The walkways, which were previously bustling with pleasant people, are now largely deserted. Neighbors don’t speak to one another as much as they used to.

I’ve compiled a top nine list of things I don’t like about Facebook, mostly since lists seem to be the only way we can communicate and digest information these days. Perhaps some of my views will resonate with you. Some of them will undoubtedly come off as grumpy and elderly. Anyway, here are 10 Incredible Reasons Why Facebook Is Horrible:

Personal branding is number one.

 Participating in Facebook is now more about maintaining your own personal brand than it is about sharing information. This is something I’m just as guilty of as anybody else, if not more so. I’ve been using Facebook to market my work for many months now, to the point that I’m sick of writing about it (it is delightful book, by the way). I’d definitely spend far too much time thinking about my Facebook profile even if I didn’t have a product to sell. Father’s Day was a few weeks ago, and I felt a weird sense of responsibility to write something about it. Why would I think that was such a crucial thing to do? It’s not like I’m being paid to write about Father’s Day, or that anybody other than a few dozen individuals would be interested in what I have to say about it. I would not have imagined sending a Father’s Day email blast to all of my friends and connections ten years ago. Why do I feel compelled to compete with other people’s personal brands with my own Father’s Day post? It does not seem to be healthy.

Advertising is number two.

 It should come as no surprise that Facebook exploits your personal information to sell you stuff. Jeff Bezos of Amazon was the first to change this when he utilized bookselling to learn about people’s particular preferences and how to advertise to them. Facebook is simply doing the same thing. Still, scrolling through my Facebook feed and seeing ad after ad for the Dollar Shave Club irritates me. I don’t use Facebook to make purchases. I’d want to know what my pals are up to.

Politics is number three.

 I understand it, my buddy who used to make me laugh with his postings about his family, sports, and pop culture. Republicans irritate you. They’re wreaking havoc on the nation. I agree with you on the majority of issues, but that doesn’t mean I want to read every item you link to from The Huffington Post, Politico, or MSNBC. I’ve got some bad news for you, political buddy. You’re conversing with the same group of pleasant pals while the rest of the world has tuned you out. You have not persuaded anybody to alter their views on the most pressing political problems of the day.

Shares are number four

 Most of us on Facebook, it seems to me, have shifted from making original posts to just sharing news items, memes, or polls that we find funny. We may now even distribute streaming videos that play whether or not the viewer wants them to. As a consequence, there is no rhyme or reason to the visual cluster. I saw “29 Terrifying Panorama Fails That Will Haunt Your Nightmares,” a meme about rising up when life knocks you down, an ad about paying off my mortgage, and “26 Struggles Anyone Raised Catholic Will Totally Understand” just by scrolling through my page right now. Finding a text post in your news feed that really informs you what someone is doing with their life may seem like finding a rare, valuable gem some days.

#5: False information

 This is something I did the other day. I posted an article on how much time people spend on their phones that turned out to be probably made up upon deeper inspection. I’ve also heard a remark attributed to Winston Churchill regarding arts financing that he never uttered. On the Internet, there is a lot of fake news, and we’re all duped from time to time. Recently, though, I’ve seen “friends” attempting to deceive each other by spreading false information. For example, imagine clicking on a story about a famous death only to see the headline, “You’ve been Owned!” I suppose it’s my fault for having morbid curiosity about one of The Walking Dead’s stars.

Narcissism is number six.

 This isn’t a new one. We’ve all become more egotistical as a result of Facebook and other social media. Nonetheless, I think the issue is progressing from “self-absorbed” to “completely lacking in self-awareness.” Yes, you’re a wonderful buddy, but that doesn’t mean I want to hear about your recent exploits in Cancun four times a day. It just makes me envious. Also, being part of a big layoff from a business where you worked for eight years and then seeing postings from your former coworkers raving about how great it is to work for that company may be a bit annoying. Of course, it’s my fault. I don’t have to read such postings, and I won’t be friending as many coworkers on Facebook in the future.

Narcissism that isn’t unique. Some individuals thought that once everyone had digital cameras on their phones, the quality of experimental photography would skyrocket. Instead, we’ve received a flood of photo-bombs and selfies, as well as individuals shooting the same same kinds of photos as everyone else. Even if they are planted against a gorgeous Caribbean beach, I don’t like to see your feet. That photograph has been taken a million times. My wife and child’s feet are the only ones I care about seeing, and that’s all.

#8 : Anger and Pessimism

 Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t believe it’s ever a good idea to use social media to vent about your troubles, take potshots at a former spouse, or curse Obama. I just believe it reflects badly on a person’s character (just like writing a 1,300-word screed about Facebook probably reflects poorly on my character). It’s also worth noting that such remarks never really go away. Even if you remove them, as Facebook now permits, those postings will still exist someplace on the internet. Your furious Facebook rants may come back to haunt you one day. Even your friends will stop reading and caring if negativity becomes a significant element of your personal brand (see #1 above).

#9: Interfering.

 Facebook believes it knows you better than you know yourself based on what you share and with whom you engage. That’s why your news stream only shows specific friends, products, and articles. This may eventually turn into a kind of mind control. My buddy George’s updates and shares will vanish from my feed if I haven’t engaged with him in six months. I presume George is no longer active on Facebook since I never see anything from him. I quickly cease thinking about George since I am not linked to his life until I check up his profile. Although it is ultimately my responsibility for not picking up the phone and calling George, Facebook continues to play a subtle role in bringing us closer to certain friends and further separating us from others. That kind of control over what and who we care about is terrifying.

Wrap Up

So there you have it—nine reasons why Facebook is a complete waste of time. I didn’t say there were ten reasons, did I? I’m at a loss for a tenth reason.

After all, Facebook isn’t that terrible, right?