Why Are There Fake Profiles Of Beautiful Girls On Facebook

Have you ever opened Facebook to find that you’ve been added by someone you thought was already a friend? Or maybe a business you follow on Facebook messaged you out of the blue to let you know you’ve won a prize draw you never entered? If you’re a man, you may even get friend requests from attractive young ladies you’ve never heard of.

If this is the case, you should proceed with care before clicking ‘accept’ or following any links that are provided to you.

Fake profiles of beautiful girls on facebbok sends you a friend request. “Be Alert”

Scammers are cloning profiles and adding everyone on that person’s friends list in order to fool you into adding the clone as a friend, giving the scammer access to all of the information on your profile-as well as the opportunity to contact you directly under the pretense of being your friend.

It’s brilliant in its simplicity, particularly if you’re not a frequent Facebook user and don’t know who you do and do not already have on your friends list off the top of your head.

Furthermore, the fraudster does not even need to have joined you to their friends list in order to contact you. They might send you a direct message, and you would be asked whether you wished to accept it. If you notice it’s from a buddy, you’re more likely to accept without even thinking about it, particularly because you don’t have to click accept – you simply have to write your answer.

A screenshot of a message received through Facebook Messenger from someone who is not on your friend list is shown below. ‘If you respond, [name] will be able to contact you and view information such as your Active Status and when you’ve read messages,’ the message says. That’s followed by the option ‘I Don’t Want to Hear from [Name]’, which you’d click if you suspected the person contacting you was impersonating you – but in all likelihood, you’d simply respond normally.

That’s why it’s a good idea to always check the profile of anyone who requests your friendship or initiates a conversation with you on social media – especially if they don’t sound like their normal selves, using words and terminology they wouldn’t normally use, or even using a different style of punctuation.

The Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies perpetrated a profile cloning fraud.

Graham, a reader, recently contacted Saga Magazine to relate his experience with a cloned Facebook page fraud. The fraudster impersonated Graham by cloning a buddy’s profile and contacting him as his friend.

“I had quite a lengthy conversation on messenger with my “friend” who claimed she had recently gotten a $1,000 award from the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agency; she knew there were still some available and suggested I should apply,” Graham said. I must confess that I was skeptical, but the buddy is computer knowledgeable, so I reasoned that she couldn’t have been duped by a hoax, so maybe it was legitimate. But then she requested for my email address so she could give me additional information, and I realized that, although the avatar with her image was accurate, I wasn’t really chatting to her.”

Graham generously allowed us to publish the screenshot below of his discussion with the fraudster, in which he luckily sees through the scam rather than falling for it. (Names and minor details have been altered.)

As you can see, the fraudster avoids any additional personal information and gets right to the point – attempting to pique Graham’s interest in the ‘FPWA prize.’ The texts are poorly written and punctuated in an unusual manner. The word ‘organization’ is spelled with an American ‘z’ – all of these are red flags that Graham picked up on.

Graham, on the other hand, didn’t realize the significance of the grey wording circled in red below, which reads ‘You can now call each other and see information such as Active Status and when you’ve read messages’ – this was another warning that the person he was speaking to wasn’t on his friends list, and wasn’t someone he had previously interacted with.

How to Recognize a Fake Facebook Profile

  • Look at when their profile photo was last updated – was it recently? Is there anything else on their account, such as photos or conversations with other people?
  • Examine their buddy list – if they have less friends than you would expect someone you know to have, this should raise red flags.
  • If you think it’s a cloned profile after investigating it, report it to Facebook right away. To do so, click the three-dot ellipsis button:[…]-then click ‘Give comments or report this profile’. When Facebook asks why, select ‘Pretending to be someone’ and submit it. Then, for good measure, block the profile.

How to prevent a cloned Facebook profile from accessing your information

  • When you get a Facebook friend request, make sure you don’t already have that buddy on your friend list. If you do, notify your buddy via their original profile that they have a clone. It could be a harmless duplication on their part-they may have deleted their old profile and created a new one, possibly because they forgot the password details for the previous profile-but this is unusual and always worth checking, especially if the photo for the original account is the same as the new one now requesting you as a Facebook friend.
  • Report the copied profile to Facebook – even if you weren’t duped, you never know who else may be.
  • Do not engage with the new profile, and if the individual contacts you, proceed with caution.
  • Make sure your personal friends list is hidden so that only you can view it – that way, a fraudster can’t send messages to any of your friends masquerading as you, making them less likely to bother cloning your account.

How to Make Your Facebook Friends List Invisible to Everyone But You

  • Click the dropdown arrow to the far right of the blue bar and scroll down to ‘Settings.’
  • In the right-hand column, choose Privacy.
  • Change the ‘Who can view your friends list’ option to ‘Only me.’

Is it possible that the fraudster got access to your friend’s original profile?

It’s also worth noting that your friend’s initial profile may have been hacked, so be cautious if someone you know attempts to persuade you to join up for something that seems too good to be true. If it was that wonderful of an opportunity, they would have called you to inform you about it…


You may get a friend request from someone you don’t even know, which is more probable if you’re a guy. Hackers and fraudsters often target male Facebook pages in order to make friend requests from bogus accounts depicting attractive young ladies in their profile photos (often in bikinis or cocktail dresses). As with other scams, if it seems too good to be true, it usually is, and it’s more likely to be a fraudster using pictures taken from someone else’s account (or even their modeling portfolio) than a beautiful mystery woman eager to get to know you.