How Does Personal Profile And Facebook Business Page Works

Do you want your family holiday pictures to be seen by over a billion people?

No, I don’t believe so.

Do you want your company’s page to be seen by over a billion people?


So, what’s the difference between the two? This is what you’ll discover in this article (and I share a little-known tip at the end).

With 2.4 billion users, Facebook is the United Nations of social media…

“Who precisely among those 2.4 billion individuals sees what I’m doing on Facebook?” one may wonder.

If you have a Facebook page for your company, here’s a primer on who can see what you do on both your personal profile and your business page, and how you can manage it all at any moment.

The following is an infographic with a more detailed explanation of each section:

Facebook Personal Profile vs. Facebook Business Page

Your Facebook personal profile is your own account. There is just one personal account per individual, and it is through this account that you ask others to be your friends. You have the option of having up to 5,000 pals.

On your profile, you may also adjust your privacy settings. You have complete control over who sees your posts, pictures, and when you leave a remark on someone else’s post.

Your Facebook business page is where you promote your company. Your business page is created from your personal profile, and you may have an infinite number of business pages (although having too many gets cumbersome to manage).

When someone Likes your company page, they become a Fan, and the amount of Fans your page may have is unlimited.

On a company page, you have no privacy settings at all. Since you’re marketing here, that’s exactly how it should be. It’s not the place to post your vacation snaps!

How-To Tip: You’ll have a hard time succeeding if you just use Facebook for business and don’t utilize your personal page to socialize. The most successful Facebook users utilize it for both personal and professional purposes. If you aren’t active on Facebook on a regular basis, you won’t get much attention here.

Who can see my personal information?

On Facebook, your name and headshot (also known as your profile picture) are visible to everyone. You have full and absolute control over who sees your personal information beyond that.

You can do the following:

  1. create a totally private profile
  2. e-mail your friends a link to your profile
  3. your friends’ friends’ friends’ friends’ friends’ friends’ friends’ friends’ friends’ friends’ friends’ friends’ friends’

You may choose who sees your profile.

What does it mean to have a Facebook friend? Someone you’ve invited to connect and who has consented to do so. Or someone who asked if you wanted to be friends and you replied, “Sure!”

Friends on Facebook are granted access to your profile. Your friends may view your posts, pictures, and favorite sites.

You may also use the Audience Selector to override the privacy settings on any post as you compose it.

You may also go through your old postings in your Timeline’s Activity Log. It displays you who you’ve shared your past articles with.

Go to the Settings gear icon on the Facebook main menu and choose Privacy Settings if you need to update your privacy settings.

Who Visits My Company’s Website?

People do not need your permission to see your business page; anybody may see it.

Fans are people who like your page and will see your company updates on their Newsfeed.

Reach refers to the amount of people who view your content. In 2020, the average business page’s organic Facebook reach (ad-free reach) will be approximately 6.5 percent. The more a fan interacts with your postings, the more likely they are to see them on a regular basis.

Why is it that reach is so limited? You only have so much room in your Facebook NewsFeed: the average Facebook user likes 150 businesses. There would be no space for their friend’s postings if they saw posts from every brand.

When Facebook became public and wanted to earn more money, it also restricted your reach. As a result, it makes sense to utilize Facebook advertisements, which are the cheapest advertising you’ll ever do if done well. You’ll also receive comprehensive information on who saw your ad and who clicked on it.

Additionally, when your followers interact with your page by like, commenting, or sharing it, their friends will see it. The more engaged your fans are, the wider your audience will be.

The best engagement is a Share, a Comment, and a Like on your content, in that sequence. When a fan shares one of your posts, all of their friends see it. When a fan leaves a remark on a post, their friends will see the comment as well as a link to your company page. When they like your article, their friends will receive a notification that they enjoyed it as well as a link to your page.

Who Sees It When I Like a Post?

You may click Like on a post while reading through your Facebook Newsfeed to indicate you liked it, agree with it, or simply thought it funny, or you can use the new emoticons to disagree with anything.

Who, however, observes that interaction?

When you like a friend’s post, it is visible to those who are friends with both you and your friend. If your Privacy Settings are set to Public, however, anybody may view it.

When you like a business post, it is visible to your friends (or anyone you’ve designated in your Privacy settings). People who visit that company page’s Timeline will notice that you like that post as well.

What is the sequence of events in my life?

Your Timeline is a single primary page dedicated to you. It’s a compilation of your Facebook posts, including your:


You’ve decided to share information about your family, workplace, and other personal details.



pages you enjoyed

The big picture at the top of your Timeline serves as your cover. Your headshot is your profile picture.

What’s the status of my Newsfeed?

Your Facebook Home page is your Newsfeed. You’re brought to your Newsfeed whenever you log in, which is a single lengthy page of posts, pictures, and videos from your friends and companies you’ve liked.

Ads on the Newsfeed and on the right side of the page may also be found here.

Item of Action

Want to view your page the same way others do? Yes, you can! Click the Ellipsis on the right side of your Timeline Cover, then View As. After that, Facebook will allow you select whether the public or a particular individual sees your Timeline cover.

Final Words

You now have a much better understanding of what occurs when you interact on Facebook, where those interactions appear, and how to utilize Facebook for both personal and professional purposes.