How Do I Remove Facebook Profile Picture Without Deleting It

To remove your Facebook profile image, go to your Facebook profile first.

When you’re on your profile, touch on the three dots next to your profile photo and choose “Delete Photo.”

Your profile image will be deleted once you select “Delete Photo.”

Your profile image will subsequently be replaced with Facebook’s default profile picture.

Facebook’s default profile image is a white silhouette of a person on a blue backdrop.

If you don’t want the silhouette as your profile image, you may replace it by clicking “choose profile picture or video.”

If you’re happy with the silhouette as your profile image, though, you don’t need to do anything more.

The steps to removing your Facebook profile image are outlined here (with screenshots).

  1. Go to your Facebook profile page.
  2. Open Facebook and choose “See your profile” from the menu on the bottom navigation bar.
  3. To begin, open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
  4. You can do this on a desktop version of Facebook as well.
  5. The screenshots in this tutorial, however, were obtained using the Facebook mobile app.
  6. As a result, the user interface will be unique.
  7. You’ll be sent to your news feed after you’ve opened the Facebook mobile app.
  8. A menu icon may be seen on the bottom navigation bar.
  9. To access the Facebook menu, tap the menu symbol.
  10. On the menu, you’ll find a number of choices to choose from.
  11. Your Facebook name and profile photo may be found just under the menu header.
  12. You’ll see a sentence that says “See your profile” at the bottom of your name.
  13. To get to your Facebook profile, tap on “See your profile.”
  14. Look at your profile photo

Select your profile photo and then select “View Profile Picture.”

You’ll be sent to your Facebook page after tapping “See your profile.”

Your Facebook profile image and name may be seen on your profile page.

You’ll also see your profile picture.

You’ll need to touch on your profile image if you want to delete it.

To access a navigation menu, tap on your profile image.

Make sure you’re tapping on your profile image rather than the camera icon.

Because you can’t see your profile image by touching on the camera icon, this is the case.

When you touch on your profile image, a navigation menu with four choices appears.

“View Profile Image,” “Select profile picture or video,” “Add Frame,” and “Create avatar profile picture” are the four choices.

To see your Facebook profile image, tap “View Profile Picture.”

  1. Remove your profile image from your profile.

On the top navigation bar, tap the three dots.

In the previous stage, you may have observed that there isn’t a delete option.

This is due to the absence of a “delete” or “remove” option on the navigation menu.

You’ll have to remove your profile photo as a post instead.

You’ll be able to view a full-size version of your profile photo after tapping “View Profile Picture.”

There’s a tag icon, a location symbol, and three dots at the top.

At the top of your profile image, tap the three dots.

To delete your Facebook profile image, tap “Delete Photo.”

A navigation menu will appear once you’ve touched on the three dots.

There are many choices on the navigation menu.

“Delete Photo,” “Make Cover Photo,” “Save Photo,” and “More” are among the choices.

Tap “Delete Photo” if you want to get rid of your profile image.

The picture will be erased after you’ve touched on “Delete Photo.”

To put it another way, your profile photo will be deleted.

If you wish to alter your profile image, go back to your profile picture and choose “Select profile picture or video.”

On the other side, you don’t need to do anything further if you simply want to delete your profile image.

What gives that you don’t have a profile photo on Facebook?

You must remove your current profile image on Facebook in order to have no profile picture.

You’ll be left with no profile picture after you’ve removed your old one.

Navigate to your profile > touch on your profile photo > tap on “View Profile Picture” > tap on the three dots > tap on “Delete Photo” to do so.

Your profile image will then be changed to the Facebook default profile photo, which is a white silhouette of a human on a blue backdrop.

How can you get rid of your Facebook profile picture without deleting it?

Set your profile picture to “Only Me” to delete it from Facebook without removing it.

To do so, go to your profile > Edit Profile. choose your profile photo > View your profile photo > > Select the three dots > Only Me > Edit privacy/Edit audience

Only you will be able to view your profile image after you’ve changed the privacy option of your profile picture to “Only Me.”

In other words, your Facebook friends and people with whom you are not friends will be unable to view your profile image.


It’s undesirable to have an old or outdated profile picture for a variety of reasons.

For starters, if you use an old profile photo of yourself, your Facebook pals may not recognize you.

Second, it will be difficult for others to locate you on Facebook.

It also demonstrates that you are no longer active on the site.

You should update your profile image at least once a year.

If you haven’t changed your profile image in a few years, now is the time to do so.

If you don’t have any recent pictures of yourself, you may use the instructions above to delete your existing profile picture.