How To Delete Your Profile Picture On Facebook
It’s a good idea to delete or update your Facebook profile photo if it’s outdated.
This is particularly true if your profile image is a self-portrait.
Changing your profile image on Facebook may be difficult.
This is because there is no “delete” or “remove” option available.
If you wish to delete your Facebook profile image, you must utilize a different approach.
This tutorial will teach you how to delete your Facebook profile image.
You can do this on both the desktop and mobile versions of Facebook.
To delete your Facebook profile image, first go to your Facebook profile.
View your profile image, touch the three dots, and then tap “Delete Photo” while you’re on your profile.
Your profile image will be deleted once you click “Delete Photo.”
Your profile image will thereafter be set to Facebook’s default profile photo.
Facebook’s default profile image is a white silhouette of a person on a blue backdrop.
If you don’t want the silhouette as your profile image, you may change it by clicking on “choose profile picture or video.”
If, on the other hand, you’re OK with the silhouette as your profile image, there’s nothing more you need to do.
The steps below will show you how to delete your Facebook profile image (with screenshots).
1. Go to your Facebook profile.
2. Open Facebook, then touch the menu in the bottom navigation bar, then tap “See your profile.”
3. To begin, use the Facebook mobile app.
4. You may also do this on a desktop version of Facebook.
5. The screenshots in this tutorial, however, were obtained using the Facebook mobile app
As a result, the user interface will be somewhat altered.
6. You’ll be sent to your news feed after you’ve opened the Facebook mobile app.
7. A menu icon may be seen on the bottom navigation bar.
8. To access the Facebook menu, tap the menu symbol
9. You’ll notice a number of choices on the menu that you may browse to
1o. You’ll see your Facebook name and profile photo just under the menu header.
11. You’ll see a sentence that says “See your profile” at the bottom of your name.
12. To access your Facebook profile, click “See your profile.”
Look at your profile photo
13. Tap on your profile image, then choose “View Profile Picture.”
14. After you’ve clicked “See your profile,” you’ll be sent to your Facebook profile.
15. Your Facebook profile image and name will be shown on your Facebook profile.
You’ll also see your profile picture.
Because you want to delete your profile image, you must first touch on it.
To access a navigation menu, tap on your profile image.
Make sure you touch on your profile image rather than the camera icon.
This is due to the fact that touching on the camera icon does not enable you to see your profile image.
When you touch on your profile image, a navigation menu with four choices will appear.
“View Profile Picture,” “Select Profile Picture or Video,” “Add Frame,” and “Create Avatar Profile Picture” are the four choices.
To see your Facebook profile image, click “View Profile Picture.”
Remove your profile photo.
1. On the top navigation bar, tap the three dots.
2. In the previous stage, you may have observed that there is no delete option.
This is due to the lack of a “delete” or “remove” option on the navigation menu.
3. You’ll have to remove your profile image as a post instead.
4. You’ll be able to view a full-size version of your profile photo after clicking “View Profile Picture.”
5. You’ll see a tag symbol, a location icon, and three dots at the top.
6. Tap the three dots to the right of your profile image.
7. To delete your Facebook profile image, click “Delete Photo.”
8. When you touch the three dots, a navigation menu will appear.
9. There are many choices on the navigation menu.
10. There are four options: “Delete Photo,” “Make Cover Photo,” “Save Photo,” and “More.”
11. When you’re ready to remove your profile image, choose “Delete Photo.”
12. The picture will be removed after you click “Delete Photo.”
To put it another way, your profile picture will be deleted.
If you wish to alter your profile image, touch on it again and then choose “Select profile picture or video.”
If, on the other hand, all you want to do is change your profile image, you don’t need to do anything else.
How come you don’t have a profile picture on Facebook?
You must remove your current profile image on Facebook in order to have no profile picture.
You will have no profile image after deleting your current one.
To do so, go to your profile > touch on your profile photo> tap on “View Profile Picture” > tap on the three dots > press on “Delete Photo.”
Your profile image will then be changed to Facebook’s default profile photo, which is a white silhouette of a human on a blue backdrop
How can you delete your Facebook profile photo without deleting it?
Set your profile picture to “Only Me” to delete it from Facebook without removing it.
To accomplish this, go to your profile > > Click on your profile image > View Profile Image > click the three dots > Only Me > Edit privacy/Edit audience
When you change the privacy option of your profile photo to “Only Me,” only you will be able to view it.
In other words, your Facebook friends and people with whom you are not friends will not be able to view your profile picture.
Having an old or outdated profile image is undesirable for a variety of reasons.
For starters, if you set a profile photo of yourself that was shot years ago, your Facebook pals may not recognize you.
Second, people will have difficulty locating you on Facebook.
It also indicates that you are no longer active on the site.
You should update your profile image at least once a year.
If you’ve had the same profile photo for a few years, it’s time to update it.
Alternatively, if you don’t have any recent pictures of yourself, you may use the instructions above to delete your existing profile picture.