How To Share Facebook Posts On Twitter

When it comes to Facebook, there are certain extra privacy issues that you should be aware of. With Twitter, a user may choose whether their tweets are accessible to the whole world or protected and only viewable to those who have permission to see them.

It’s a binary decision between being unprotected or being protected. If you share a protected tweet, people who are not permitted will receive a notice indicating that the tweet is protected and will be able to request access to view all of the person’s tweets.

Facebook, on the other hand, provides users with a far wider range of privacy choices. The author of a post may configure the privacy of a post to be as specific as just exposing it to themselves, or as broad as displaying it to the whole world. There are a TON of various levels between those binary choices.

I bring this up before going through the processes of sharing a Facebook post to Twitter because you should be aware that just because you share a post that YOU can view because you are friends with someone, it does not imply that the rest of the world can see it.

NOTE: I’ve had a lot of inquiries regarding how to share someone else’s Facebook post. You can’t, is the response. You cannot change the privacy settings for the material if you are not the original poster. That means you can’t just make someone else’s Facebook post shareable if their privacy settings are limited.

Instead, the post’s author must grasp how to make a Facebook post shareable to the whole globe. Only after they do this will you be able to connect Twitter and Facebook by sharing their post.

Consider the case when you are Facebook friends with Bobby. Bobby offers an incredible cat video that you must share with your Twitter followers. You share Bobby’s post link on Facebook, but when your Twitter followers click the link, they get an error stating that they must join in to Facebook.

The privacy settings on a Facebook post, picture, or video may prevent your Twitter followers from seeing the material.

If they do not have the rights to read the post after logging in, they will get an error. Panda is depressed.

This is most likely due to Bobby’s decision to put the permission on their post to something like “only display their posts to their friends.” You can view their post since you are one of their Facebook friends. Members of the Twitterverse with whom you shared the tweet are not friends with Bobby, therefore they get an error notice.

So, although the instructions below will walk you through the process of publishing a Facebook status to Twitter, be aware of any security concerns that may emerge. I’ll teach you how to verify the security before you publish to determine whether it’s worth sharing in the steps below.

ProTip: Facebook postings from pages, rather than people, are much more likely to be public. As a result, posting a post from a Facebook page is less likely to violate privacy limits than sharing posts from your friends.

How to Share a Facebook Post on Twitter

Step 1: Locate the Facebook post you wish to share — Begin by locating the post you wish to share. I’ll include a link to the “Stinky Fish Challenge” video in this article. If you haven’t already seen it, don’t watch it while having lunch. BELIEVE IN ME.

Step 2 – View the particular post–Next, click the link to the post’s publication date/time. This will direct you to the particular post instead of displaying it in your timeline or the timeline of the Facebook page you are reading.

Step 3 – Check to see whether the Facebook post is shared – Check the privacy settings before sharing the content to determine whether it is even shareable. If it’s extremely restricted, which means the original author has placed privacy limits on it, it’ll most likely annoy your Twitter followers, so stick to posts with a globe symbol. This implies that everyone can see the post.

TIP: If you see that the privacy symbol is not a globe, you may be asking, “How can I make the Facebook post shareable?” and, as I have said, the answer is…you don’t. Only the original author of the post has the ability to change the privacy settings of their post.

What you May do, however, is contact the post’s author or just write a comment on their page stating something like “please make this Facebook post shareable with the public so I can share it with the world.”

Sometimes it succeeds, and the content creator will change the Facebook privacy settings for the post to make it public; other times, the request is denied because the content creator want to keep their Facebook post private.

Step 4 – Copy the shareable Facebook URL and paste it into Twitter – If your privacy settings are acceptable, just pick the URL in the browser and copy it. This will provide you with a link that you may post on Facebook and Twitter. Because you are on the page devoted to this particular video, picture, or article, this URL will link your Twitter followers to the material you want to share.

The URL for the video I’m providing in this instance is

NOTE: If the URL does not finish with a unique number, you are most likely not on the page that is particular to the content. Try again by clicking the date/time link I provided in step 2.

Step 5–Copy and paste the URL into your tweet – Finally, go to Twitter and make your post. Posting a link on Twitter is simple since you can just copy and paste the URL into the tweet if you want Twitter to shorten it.

You may always use a service like to shorten the URL yourself. In my instance, I used Hootsuite’s shortener to make it shorter.

Step 6 – Tweet – By clicking the Tweet button, your Facebook post will be shared with your Twitter followers.

As usual, I hope this is useful to anyone who are uncertain how to cross-post information across social networks. Sharing a Facebook status update or post to Twitter is simple, but make sure you check your privacy settings to determine whether it’s worth sharing.

Wrap Up

Finally every steps regarding the ways to share facebook posts on Twitter has been explained. hope you understood everything from it.