How Do You Insert A Link On A Facebook Comment

A link to an external URL cannot be hidden in a standard Facebook post or remark. This is only possible with Facebook Notes, which accept HTML.

As mentioned in 1–3 below, there is a clickable post preview picture! However, this is not the case with anchor text.

You may, however, @mention a Facebook Page, Group, Event, or friend and connect to that page without displaying any unappealing URL. This is only possible with Facebook connections, not with external ones.

To tag someone on Facebook, just begin entering the name with a capital letter or the @ sign.

Once you’ve entered 5 letters, a drop down menu with tag ideas will display. Simply choose the one you want by clicking on it.

7 Different Ways to Share a Website Link on Facebook

1 | Share your website’s content on Facebook

I strongly advise that after you’ve published a blog article on your site, you utilize your site’s Facebook button to share it and start building social proof.

This technique is also excellent for sharing a link from another website!

Locate the social sharing icons on the webpage. Click the Facebook “Share” button.

Add a caption where it says, “Say something about this.”

Try include a discussion starter-when your Friends or followers react, their Friends will be made aware of your link post.

Use the dropdown menu at the upper left to choose where you want to publish.

Your Facebook personal profile Timeline, as well as the news feeds of your Facebook Friends.

This is your Facebook Story.

Timeline of a Friend

A Facebook Group in which posting links is permitted.

An event on Facebook.

You are in charge of a Facebook Page.

Then, to share the link preview picture, select “Post to Facebook.”

You may see it right now by clicking the Share button at the top or bottom of this page!

2 | Share a status update with a link.

When sharing a link directly on your Fan Page, you have many choices.

Fill up the blanks with words to provide background and a question to encourage participation.

As soon as you put in the URL, Facebook will grab available pictures and the connected page’s headline. The content in the URL, pictures, and title will all connect to the web page!

Select from the following options:

Place all of the pictures in a carousel.

Using the + symbol, add additional pictures.

Click on the pictures you don’t want. Check that the blue border has vanished.

To delete all pictures from your Facebook post, click “Hide.”

If you prefer, select the tiny Share Now button with the option to Schedule, Backdate, or Save Draft your Facebook post.

If you’re scheduling or backdating, choose a time and click the blue button in this window.

Then, at the very bottom, click the big blue button (words will vary depending on which option you chose).

3 | Variation:

 For a cleaner article, remove the URL from the text after the link preview displays.

This is how it appears on the news stream. The picture and title below are both hyperlinks to the website.

When you use techniques1–3, you don’t receive a big clickable link picture.

4 | Post a link to a text-only status update.

Some Fan Page administrators have noticed that text-only status updates are gaining traction, therefore they are publishing links with no preview or picture at all.

Do you want to put this to the test? Try it out and pay attention to your Facebook Insights.

Simply follow the steps in Method 2 above, then click the “Hide” button above the pictures to delete all images from your Facebook post.

Of course, this also works if the article you’d want to share lacks a picture.

5 | Variation: Some businesses include arrows ( –> ) into their postings. They claim that employing an arrow to point to their URL –> –> works nicely. It’s almost like a subliminal cry to action!

NOTE: When publishing text links, keep in mind that abbreviated URLs have a lower CTR (click-through rate) than full URLs since many people are reluctant to click on them. On Facebook, use the entire URL so people know where they’re heading when they click.

6 | Share a Facebook picture with a link in the description.

This is my personal fave! With a square or even tall picture, you may take up more space in the news stream.

Do you create Pinterest pin images? This is a fantastic method to reuse them.

According to several Fan Page administrators, this approach generates the greatest interaction (Likes, comments, and shares), however the preceding ways generate more visits to your website. This is most likely due to the picture being more appealing, but Facebook users aren’t accustomed to searching for a clickable link in a photo post.

Put this technique to the test on your own Page and see how it goes!

Go to the top of your Fan Page and click Create Post. Fill in the blanks with information about your blog post. You should not include the URL now, but you may include READ where it will be added later.

Upload your picture by clicking the Photo/Video button.

Insert the URL now.

Click the Share Now button (or choose to schedule).

Final Words

So, in these given ways you can insert a link on facebook comment. You can share with your friends.