How Do You Use Cookies On Your Facebook

Cookies are tiny text files that web browsers use to store information. On computers, phones, and other devices, cookies are used to store and receive identifiers and other information. Other technologies are used for similar reasons, such as data stored on your web browser or device, identifiers linked with your device, and other applications. All of these technologies are referred to as “cookies” in this policy.

If you have a Facebook account, use Facebook Products, such as our website and applications, or visit other websites and apps that utilize Facebook Products, we will use cookies (including the Like button or other Facebook Technologies). Cookies allow Facebook to provide you with the Facebook Products and to comprehend the information we receive about you, including information about your usage of other websites and applications, whether or not you are registered or signed in.

This policy describes how we use cookies and the options available to you. The Data Policy shall apply to our processing of data collected through cookies, unless otherwise indicated in this policy.

What is the purpose of cookies?

Cookies enable us to personalize content, customize and measure advertising, and offer a safer experience by allowing us to deliver, protect, and enhance the Facebook Products. Session cookies, which are erased when you shut your browser, and persistent cookies, which remain in your browser until they expire or you delete them, are the kind of cookies we use. We use cookies for the following reasons, which may vary from time to time as we develop and update the Facebook Products:


We use cookies to authenticate your account and identify whether you’re signed in so that we can make it simpler for you to use the Facebook Products and provide you with the most relevant experience and features.

For example, when you browse between Facebook Pages, we utilize cookies to keep you signed in. Cookies also allow us to remember your browser so you don’t have to continually signing in to Facebook and can connect in to Facebook more easily via third-party applications and websites. For example, we utilize the “c user” and “xs” cookies, both of which have a 365-day lifetime, for this reason.

Cookies assist us in keeping your account, data, and Facebook Products safe and secure.

Cookies, for example, may assist us in detecting and enforcing extra security measures when someone is trying to gain unauthorized access to a Facebook account, such as by quickly guessing various passwords. We also use cookies to save information that enables us to retrieve your account if you forget your password or to demand extra verification if you report your account as compromised. This contains cookies like “sb” and “dbln,” which allow us to securely identify your browser.

Cookies are also used to fight behavior that violates our rules or impairs our ability to offer the Facebook Products.

Cookies, for example, aid in the battle against spam and phishing by allowing us to identify machines that are used to establish huge numbers of false Facebook accounts. We also use cookies to identify infected machines and take measures to prevent them from inflicting additional damage. For example, our “csrf” cookie protects us against cross-site request forgery attacks. Cookies also assist us in preventing minors from creating Facebook accounts.

Advertising, suggestions, insights, and measurement are all things that can be measured.

We use cookies to help us display advertisements and make suggestions to individuals who may be interested in the goods, services, or causes that companies and other organizations promote.

Cookies, for example, enable us to display advertisements to individuals who have previously visited a business’s website, bought its goods, or used its applications, as well as to suggest products and services based on that behavior. Cookies also enable us to restrict the number of times you view an ad, ensuring that you do not see the same ad again. The “fr” cookie, for example, has a 90-day lifetime and is used to distribute, evaluate, and enhance the relevance of advertisements.

Cookies are also used to track the effectiveness of ad campaigns for companies who utilize Facebook Products.

For example, we utilize cookies to keep track of how many times an ad is shown and how much it costs. We also use cookies to track how often users do things like make a purchase after seeing an advertisement. For example, the “_fbp” cookie, which has a 90-day lifetime, identifies browsers for the purposes of delivering advertising and site analytics services.

Cookies allow us to deliver and measure advertising across many browsers and devices that a single user uses.

For instance, we may use cookies to prevent you from seeing the same ad over and over again across your various devices.

Cookies also enable us to gather information about individuals who use the Facebook Products, as well as people who engage with our advertisers’ advertisements, websites, and applications, and companies that utilize the Facebook Products.

For example, we use cookies to assist companies identify the kind of people who like their Facebook pages or use their applications so that they can offer more relevant content and create services that will be of interest to their consumers.

We also employ cookies to let you opt out of receiving Facebook advertisements based on your behavior on third-party websites, such as our “oo” cookie, which has a five-year lifetime. Learn more about the data we collect, how we choose which advertisements to display you on and off the Facebook Products, and the choices you have.

Cookies are used to provide functionality that allows us to offer Facebook Products.

Cookies, for example, allow us to remember your preferences, track when you’ve seen or engaged with Facebook Products content, and provide personalized content and experiences. Cookies, for example, enable us to make recommendations to you and others, as well as personalize information on third-party sites that use our social plugins. Cookies enable you to switch between publishing from your own Facebook account and the Page if you are a Page administrator. To enable your usage of Messenger chat windows, we utilize cookies like the session-based “presence” cookie.

We also use cookies to present you with content that is appropriate for your location.

For example, we save information in a cookie on your browser or device so that you may view the site in the language you choose.

We use cookies to provide you the best possible experience.

Cookies, for example, assist us in routing traffic between servers and determining how fast Facebook Products load for certain users. Cookies also allow us to keep track of the ratio and dimensions of your screen and windows, as well as whether you’ve selected high-contrast mode, so that our sites and applications display properly. For example, we use the “dpr” and “wd” cookies, both of which have a 7-day lifetime, to provide an optimum experience for your device’s screen.

Research and analytics

We use cookies to learn more about how people use the Facebook Products so we can make them better.

Cookies, for example, may assist us in better understanding how people use the Facebook service, analyzing which sections of the Facebook Products people find the most helpful and engaging, and identifying features that might be enhanced.

Websites and applications created by third parties

Whether or whether you have a Facebook account or are signed in, our business partners may choose to share information with Facebook via cookies placed on their own domains. Cookies with the names _fbc or _fbp may be placed on the domain of a Facebook business partner’s site that you’re visiting. These cookies, unlike cookies placed on Facebook’s own domains, aren’t accessible by Facebook while you’re on a site other than the one where they were set, even when you’re on one of ours. They serve the same objectives as cookies placed on Facebook’s own domain, namely, personalizing content (including advertising), measuring ads, producing analytics, and providing a safer experience, as described in this Cookies Policy.

What are the places where cookies are used?

When you use or visit, we may set cookies on your computer or device and receive information contained in cookies.

Other members of the Facebook Companies offer products;

Other businesses’ websites and applications, including companies who integrate Facebook Technologies into their websites and apps, that utilize the Facebook Products. Without any additional action from you, Facebook utilizes cookies and gets information, including information about your behavior, when you visit such sites and applications. Whether or whether you have a Facebook account or are signed in, this happens.

Do other businesses utilize cookies in conjunction with Facebook’s services?

Yes, other businesses use cookies on Facebook Products to offer us with advertising, measurement, marketing, and analytics services, as well as to provide you with certain features and enhance our services.

Other businesses’ cookies, for example, aid in the customization of Facebook advertisements, the measurement of their performance and efficacy, and the assistance of marketing and analytics. Certain Facebook Products features, such as maps, payment, and security features, rely on cookies from third parties to operate. about the businesses that utilize cookies on Facebook’s products

Cookies are also used by third-party businesses in conjunction with the Facebook Products on their own websites and applications. Please check the policies of other businesses to see how they utilize cookies.

Wrap Up

We use cookies to personalize and enhance content and services, make your experience safer, and show you relevant and helpful advertisements on and off Facebook. You have control over the situation.