How Many Pages Can You Like On Facebook In One Day

Facebook imposes a slew of esoteric restrictions, both hard and soft, on a variety of various aspects of its platform. One set of restrictions applies to likes and their behavior throughout the site, as well as interactions between various kinds of accounts. When you ask what the maximum amount of Facebook likes is, you’re really asking a half-dozen distinct questions at once. I’ve tried to address all of them below.

What is the maximum number of pages that a single person can like?

This is the first question that most casual users will have to deal with. When you’re a regular user with a Facebook profile rather than a page, you usually like the pages of different organizations you’re interested in. You may be interested in sites for movies, music, companies, or applications that you use on a regular basis. While it may not seem so, this may soon add up. You get a lot of likes if you have a few hundred movies, a few hundred music, a few dozen restaurants, some local companies, some big worldwide corporations like Coke or Dell, and so on.

When you include in all of the companies you may have liked in order to enter a contest or other sweepstakes, it’s easy to accumulate hundreds or even thousands of likes over the course of a few years of active Facebook usage.

Even with this level of use, I doubt you’ll be able to hit the limit on this one. Individuals have, to be sure, but the majority of them are people who enjoy whatever they come across. There are individuals who “like” every song they’ve ever heard, every movie they’ve ever seen, every brand they’ve ever purchased, all the fan sites maintained by people who also enjoy different aspects of the aforementioned, and much more.

There are even some that sell their preferences. Bots operate phony accounts that like as many sites as possible before being abandoned and replaced. Facebook clearly wants to prevent this, so one thing they’ve done is set the like limit very high, so that only the most expressive individuals and bots can achieve it.

So, what exactly is the cap? It’s 5,000, according to this assistance page. While running a personal profile, you may like a total of 5,000 pages.

Now, I’ve seen one way of getting around this described elsewhere on the internet. I can’t promise it will work since I don’t have a profile with 5,000 likes to test it on, but the concept is that you can follow 5,000 pages and like 5,000 pages. You may like an extra 5,000 pages if you follow but do not like 5,000 pages initially.

I’m not sure whether this will work or not. I believe there is a small flaw in calculating followers and likes separately, since likes immediately include follows, but it’s all up in the air. In any event, a follow doesn’t do anything, therefore it’s not as useful to monitor it.

How Many Likes Can You Get in One Day?

The second inquiry you may have is about rate limitations. We know the hard cap is 5,000 likes, but does that mean you can like 5,000 pages in a single day, or will Facebook put a stop to that before you reach 500?

Unfortunately, I can’t locate any evidence of a published rate restriction. People discuss such limitations in the Facebook support area and on black hat sites, but no one can identify a particular amount of likes per hour, day, or account that causes them to be rate restricted.

It seems logical that there is some sort of limit. Facebook does not want bots to flood its database with thousands of friend requests in an hour; instead, they will filter the traffic and cease allowing the bots to make additional requests. There are also reports of individuals hitting the limit while creating a new profile or extending an existing one.

The issue, as I have said, is that no one has definitive statistics. Facebook is silent, and those who inquire speak of sending hundreds of messages in an hour. If there is a limit, casual users will almost never encounter it, and those who do will almost always be in violation of some restriction in the terms of service.

On Facebook, there is one official reference of rate limitations, hidden in their developer center, and it pertains to utilizing the Graph API. If you’re an app developer and you’re using the Graph API, you may encounter a rate restriction. Rate limitations are classified into two kinds. Application-level rate limitation is one of them, and it restricts what you can do with a non-page access token. The second option is page-level rate restriction, which restricts what a single page account may do with the API. You may learn everything about them here, but be warned: it will not assist you if you are not actively working for an app.

What is the maximum number of likes that a page may receive?

Let’s speak about running a page from this end. You want to acquire as many likes as possible, but is there a limit to what you can do?

According to, the top five Facebook pages are:

Facebook for Every Phone, with 497,437,496 followers, is the page for Facebook’s official app — not their web-based service, not their messaging, but the main Facebook app.

Facebook, the official page for Facebook itself, has a paltry 187,373,154 followers.

Christiano Ronaldo, the official verified profile for the Real Madrid Soccer/Football player, has 120,973,372 followers.

Shakira, with 104,542,882 followers, is the official verified page for the singer Shakira.

Real Madrid C.F., the official page for the Spanish soccer club and Christiano Ronaldo’s home club, has 102,048,108 followers.

FanPageList similarly ranks Facebook’s German arm third, however the page just links to the main Facebook page, so they’re the same page.

So we know there is at least a limit of 500 million likes since the top page hasn’t reached it, but chances are there isn’t one at all.

However, there is one soft restriction you must consider: a sanity check. You won’t have a million likes if you’re a tiny company page in a small town with just 300 transactions each day. If you have a million followers on your Facebook profile, Facebook assumes you’re doing something to game the system. The only exception would be if you had a very strong internet presence, which is exceedingly uncommon.

I’ve also never heard of Facebook punishing a page for having more likes than expected, but that only applies if the likes are genuine. If all of the likes originate from fraudulent accounts that Facebook can verify as false, those accounts will most likely be removed all at once.

What is the maximum number of likes that a post may receive?

Another intriguing question is whether there is a limit to the number of likes that a single post, whether a page post or a profile post, can receive.

There is no database that maintains track of this kind of information. You can look at major companies and manually search for posts with a lot of likes, and you’ll discover stuff like this Disney post with 325,000 likes, which is the greatest I’ve found. Even Disney’s most recent postings don’t come close; some of their most recent posts have just a few thousand likes.

It seems to reason that there is no limit to the amount of likes a post may get, but mass spam likes can raise some red flags and result in the removal of certain accounts.

Various Facebook Restrictions

There are a few additional restrictions that may apply depending on how you use Facebook.

There is no actual limit to the number of people who can be in a Facebook group, but there is an associated limit once a group reaches a certain size. When a group has more than 250 members, the administrators of the group lose the power to invite all members of the group to an event and the ability to mass-message all members of the group. These are common spam-prevention methods that make it impossible to send mass spam to everyone.

There are additional constraints to altering event information. Events, once again, have no boundaries; someone might organize a Superbowl event for “anyone who is watching it on TV” and invite millions of people. However, if you wish to alter the name or venue of an event, be sure to do so as soon as possible. If more than 2,500 individuals attend the event, the feature will be locked. Furthermore, if you alter the name or location three times in a row, the third time is permanent. No more dithering! It is a method of preventing individuals from being separated or causing confusion during an event. Please, before you start inviting people, decide on a location and a name.

Final Thoughts

There are also restrictions on how many individuals you may ask to follow your Facebook Page through email. To begin with, you may only send invitations to email contacts if your page has less than 5,000 followers. Furthermore, you may only import and send out 7,000 contacts each import, and you can only use the import function five times per day.