How Can I Block Someone From Messing My Facebook Page

Do you have a recurrent spammer that bombards your Facebook page with unsolicited advertisements? Or maybe you’ve had enough of that one family member’s outlandish conspiracy beliefs. No offense to Crazy Uncle Larry, but there comes a time when enough is enough.

With a few easy clicks of a button, you may ban someone from your page temporarily or permanently. Allow you and your followers some piece of mind by preventing such individuals from visiting your page. More information may be found in the article below.

If you no longer want someone to view your timeline or tag you, just block them using these easy steps.

  1. Start the Facebook app.
  2. In the top right area, tap the downward pointing arrow within the circle symbol.
  3. Choose Settings & Privacy.
  4. Select Settings.
  5. Select Blocking and enter the name of the person you wish to block.
  6. Scroll down and choose the appropriate individual from the list.
  7. Block should be selected and confirmed.

You may also block someone by going straight to their profile page. Tap the three dots next to their cover picture to access the menu, then choose Block from the list of choices.

How to Block Someone From Your Facebook Page

As the administrator of a Facebook page, you have the ability to prevent specific individuals from accessing the page you administer. One of the easiest methods is to use your page settings:

  1. Navigate to the page’s Settings menu and choose “People and other pages.”
  2. Scroll down until you find the person you want to prohibit, then click the “Ban from page” button.
  3. You may undo it by returning to Settings and choosing “Unban from page” next to the person’s name.
  4. A person cannot be “blocked” from a Business Page. Personal accounts are often designated for this. You may, however, “ban” people, which prevents them from visiting a company page in the future.

On an iPhone, how do you block someone from a Facebook page?

To block someone from a Facebook Page, follow these simple steps on your iPhone or iPad:

  1. Start the Facebook app.
  2. More information may be found by tapping “…”.
  3. Scroll down and click the Settings button beneath the Settings heading.
  4. Enter the individual’s name and press the blue Block button.
  5. On Android, how do you block someone from a Facebook page?

 Block someone who is using an Android smartphone similar to this:

  1. Start the Facebook app.
  2. Go to the profile of the person who is about to be banned.
  3. More information may be found by tapping “…”.
  4. Block should be selected and confirmed.

How to Block a Facebook Group Page Member

Only group moderators and administrators have the ability to block or delete group members. To block someone, do the following steps:

  1. To open, open Facebook and touch the three horizontal bars. The Main Menu
  2. Select your group by tapping on Groups.
  3. Tap the shield symbol with a star in the center in the upper right corner of your group.
  4. Members to be Selected
  5. Scroll down and choose the person you wish to block.
  6. Select Block Member by tapping on the three dots next to the member’s name.
  7. Verify the Block

How to Block Someone from a Facebook Business Page

Although blocking is often reserved for personal accounts, you may ban someone from a corporate page. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Launch the Facebook app and go to the remark from the person you wish to block.
  2. Click on their profile photo.
  3. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of their profile and choose Ban from Page.
  4. Approve the Ban

How to Block Someone from Messages on a Facebook Page

Blocking someone from sending you messages is not the same as blocking them on Facebook. If you simply want to block annoying texts, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your News Feed on Facebook on your PC.
  2. Choose the blue and red conversation bubble for Messenger from the left menu.
  3. Scroll down and select the discussion with the individual you wish to block.
  4. Select Privacy & Support from the right-hand menu.
  5. Select Block Messages and confirm the block.

How to Block Someone Who Hasn’t Liked a Facebook Page

Put an end to those trolls once and for all. To ban someone from a Facebook business page, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a Facebook Business Page.

2, Navigate to Page Settings, which may be found in the bottom left corner of the screen.

  1. Choose the People & Others tab.
  2. Select Banned People & Pages from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the +Ban A Person option.
  4. In the search box, type in the person’s vanity URL.
  5. To add the individual to the ban list, click Save.

Blocking someone is as simple as going to your Settings & Privacy choices on your Main Menu. Choose Settings and then Blocking. Enter the name of the person you wish to block and click the Block button.

The person you banned is never informed that they have been removed from your Facebook area.

What Happens When Someone Is Banned From a Facebook Page?

When you ban someone, they are no longer able to publish to your Page. They cannot also like or comment on posts, nor can they contact or like your Page. u003cbru003eu003cbru003e They may, however, continue to post material from your Page to other locations on Facebook. They just can’t engage with you directly any more.

Can You Block Someone From Your Facebook Business Page?

Users cannot be “blocked” from your company page, but they may be “banned.” This enables people to share your material without actively participating on your Page.

One last thought

Remember that blocking is permanent, or at least until you re-friend the person. When you block someone, you must re-friend them, which may lead to an uncomfortable scenario. So, if all you want is a respite, you may want to explore temporary remedies instead.