What Are Some Ways To Delete Disabled Facebook Account

You’d think the solution would be easy to figure out. However, it required a lot of research to find a method for account and profile deactivation — as well as complete account removal from the site. After doing research and going through the deceptively complicated process, it is clear that Facebook has done everything possible to keep its consumers from abandoning the platform. Because if that occurred, the quantity of client data they could remove from their service would be limited.

In this case, I believe Facebook has passed the line into unethical conduct. After fact, according to section 2.1 of its terms of service, Facebook does not really offer an interface for rapidly deleting your account and terminating your agreement with them on the use of your personal data:


We place a high value on your privacy. Our Data Policy was created to provide essential information about how you may use Facebook to share with others, as well as how we gather and utilize your content and information. We recommend that you read the Data Policy and use it to guide your choices.

Sharing Your Information and Content

You own all of the material and information you share on Facebook, and you have complete control over how it is shared by adjusting your privacy and application settings. Furthermore:

You explicitly grant us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings, for material that is protected by intellectual property rights, such as photographs and videos (IP content): You give us a royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide right to use any IP material you publish on or in connection with Facebook (IP License). Unless your material has been shared with others and they have not removed it, this IP License will terminate when you delete your IP content or your account.

When you remove IP material, it’s deleted in a similar way to when you empty your computer’s recycle bin. You acknowledge, however, that deleted information may remain in backup copies for a reasonable length of time (but will not be available to others).

When you use an application, it may request permission to access your content and information, as well as material and information shared with you by others. We expect apps to respect your privacy, and your agreement with that application will determine how that content and information is used, stored, and transferred. (Read our Data Policy and Platform Page to understand more about Platform, including how you can manage what information other people share with apps.)

When you use the Public option to post material or information, you’re enabling anybody, even individuals who aren’t on Facebook, to view and use it, as well as associate it with you (i.e., your name and profile picture).

We always welcome your comments or any ideas regarding Facebook, but you realize that we are under no obligation to pay you if we utilize your input or suggestions (just as you have no obligation to offer them).

There’s a lot to think about, particularly in the parts I’ve emphasized. I’ll go into more detail about this later, but for now, let’s focus on account cancellation and deactivation.

Is it the same as deleting your Facebook account if you deactivate it?

Users may easily delete their Facebook accounts from inside the user interface. By showing one of your pals and informing you that “Your Friend will Miss you,” Facebook will urge you to affirm your choice.

Make sure you read the small print once you indicate you wish to delete your account. It makes it clear that deactivating your account is not the same as deleting your account or profile. You are simply deleting your ID when you deactivate your Facebook account; nevertheless, all of your data remains on Facebook servers.

What shocked me was that you may still be tagged in pictures, invited to events, and so on after your account is deactivated. With this in mind, if you’re going down this road, be careful to opt out of emails.

In other words, deleting your Facebook account is almost useless. It’s Facebook’s deceitful and cunning technique of fooling you into thinking you’ve deleted your account, personal data, and license to your IP (intellectual property) from the site when you haven’t. The problem is that even when your account is deactivated, Facebook retains the permission given to it in section 2.1 of its terms…

You own all of the material and information you share on Facebook, and you have complete control over how it is shared by adjusting your privacy and application settings. Furthermore:

You explicitly grant us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings, for material that is protected by intellectual property rights, such as photographs and videos (IP content): You give us a royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide right to use any IP material you publish on or in connection with Facebook (IP License). Unless your material has been shared with others and they have not removed it, this IP License will terminate when you delete your IP content or your account.

…is still in force! And, since almost everything you put on Facebook is instantly shared with your friends, the license you give Facebook remains in force forever, even if you manage to cancel your account completely, according to the Facebook Terms of Service (see highlighted in bold).

Oh, and there’s more. To reactivate your account, just check in to Facebook or use your Facebook ID to sign in to another service (or leave a comment on certain sites), and everything will be as it was before you left–photos, friends, posts, your IP…

So, I believe everyone would agree with me that the Facebook Account/Profile deactivation procedure is pointless if you want to deactivate your account and remove part of your data or IP address from the site. The “true” good news is that it IS possible to deactivate your account.

How to Delete Your Facebook Account Permanently

You may locate the URL that will permanently deactivate your Facebook account deep inside the Facebook support center.

If you deactivate your Facebook account, you will lose access to all of your account information as well as the ability to check in to the service. There are no pictures, friends, messages, or status updates, for example. According to Facebook, there is no way to recover your account or data after it has been permanently deleted. Please continue reading any big and fine print with this in mind.

So, let’s get started erasing your profile for good.

Submit your request at http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show form=delete account.

You’ll be prompted to confirm your identity. Fill out the Captcha and enter your password. To proceed, click Okay.

It’s all done, in a sense.

How to Make Sure Your Facebook Account Is Permanently Deleted

Even if you accept the deletion of your account, Facebook will only deactivate it for 14 days, giving you the opportunity to log back in and cancel the deletion.

“Really?” you may be thinking. Is it really going to take fourteen days to erase my data?”

I finished the treasure quest and discovered the Delete button.

I saw the large red lettering alerting me that my account would be terminated forever.

I typed in my password.

By completing the Captcha problem, I assisted Google in translating a book.

Finally, I pressed the Okay button.

Wrap Up

From a customer service standpoint, I believe it’s fairly clear that Facebook doesn’t consider you a client. Facebook is in the data business — particularly, your data — and it will go to great efforts to retain information about you in its social web, including your job, school background, friends, network, pictures, tagged face, and so on. The 14-day grace period is Facebook’s last-ditch effort to get you back into the site, either inadvertently or as a result of a subconscious Facebook addiction, in order to avoid canceling your account.