How To Find Who Created Facebook Business Page

Do you have a company Facebook page? Or one that relates to your goods, services, or other items that you sell?

If you manage a Facebook Page, there are a few things you should be aware of.

And now, with the New Facebook layout, certain functions are no longer available.

So, let’s go through everything you need to know as the owner of a Facebook Page.

What exactly is a Facebook Page owner?

A page owner, according to Facebook, is a company or organization that owns the Page.

In your instance, you might be a blogger or a small company owner.

A Facebook Page may be created by anybody. This covers clubs, groups, charities, and other organizations.

A Confirmed Page is an additional level of Page.

You have now finished Facebook’s company verification procedure. You’ve also claimed the Page through the Business Manager tool.

You won’t need this most of the time. It is targeted at Pages that run advertisements on subjects such as politics.

However, if you need it, you may find it under the Business Manager’s Page Settings.

Getting verified is a straightforward process:

  1. Include information about your company (this will be publicly viewable).
  2. Choose your business – if yours does not appear, you may need to submit papers to prove you are a legitimate company.
  3. Confirm your company’s information using a phone number that you have access to.
  4. Receive the verification code by text, phone call, or email.
  5. To become Confirmed, enter the verification code.

This is not the same as the blue verified page. This is intended for individuals like celebrities and sports figures to certify that the page really belongs to them.

Is it possible to turn your Facebook profile into a Page?

If you’ve created a profile for your company, you may wish to convert it to a Page.

Pages provide you with additional options and allow you to reach out to a larger audience. Furthermore, it is against the Facebook Terms to use your profile to represent anything other than yourself (such as your company), and you may lose access to your account permanently if you do not convert it to a Page.

Facebook will utilize your profile information to turn into your Page.

But you can only do it once, and you can’t go back in time

So, if it’s really a personal profile, just add a new Page to it. Don’t change your profile.


Visit this page if you need to convert your profile to a Page.


Click Get Started and then follow the on-screen instructions.

When you’re finished, your new Page will be published, and you’ll be able to use it right away.

Owner of a Facebook Page versus. Administrator


As the owner of a Facebook Page, you are also an admin.

However, anybody who does not own the Page may be appointed an admin.

A Facebook Page has six roles, each with its own set of automatic permissions












Manager of Jobs


Only the administrator has full access to the page’s features.

Furthermore, administrators are the only ones who have access to page roles and settings.

In other words, they have the authority to alter the Page owner. They may also alter the role assigned to someone on the Page.

Another admin on your Page may be a good idea. However, make sure it is someone you trust, since they may remove you as admin of your own Page!

How to Add a Facebook Page Owner

You are the proprietor of a Page when you create it – unless you build it via your company.

As a result, you do not need to add yourself as the owner. It is completed automatically for you.

However, if you wish to add someone else as an admin, you may do so as well.

To add an admin, you must be on a desktop computer, not the mobile app.

Navigate to the Page and choose the ‘Page settings’ option at the bottom of the side menu.

This brings up a new set of choices, and you want to choose ‘Page roles.’

Existing Page roles, including administrators, are listed here. You may also see who the Page’s owner is.

You may create a new Page role right now. Enter the person’s name or email address and choose the role they will play.

To confirm the changes, you must enter your password.

Remember that admin is the highest level. They get access to all of the same features as the Page owner.

To make someone else the Page owner, follow the steps outlined below.

How to Change or Transfer the Ownership of a Facebook Page

So, you’ve handed the Page to a buddy who is interested in purchasing your company. You must now give them control of the Page.

Then you wish to modify or transfer the owner of the page.

To do so, first add the individual as an admin using the steps outlined above.

Return to the Page and go down to Page Roles after they’ve accepted the admin position.

You and the new administrator should now appear.

But this isn’t the only thing you need to know about removing a Facebook Page owner in order to complete the transfer. The new admin must still be designated as the Page owner.

Configurations for the Business Manager

You must also add your buddy to the Business Manager section of the Page.

You don’t have a Business Manager account, do you? Go here to get started. Look for the bright blue button in the top right corner (as of May 2021–FB may have moved it by the time you read this). and then click “Create Account.”


Your buddy / new admin must log in to their Business Manager account and go to the Business settings tab.


Go to Accounts, then Pages, then +Add.

As an administrator, enter the Page name or URL and toggle the rights. Then you may request access. You may then approve it, and the individual will see the Page in their Business Manager.

More information on the Facebook Business Manager may be found here.

You are removing yourself as the owner of this page.

The last step is to unregister as a Page owner. This must be done in both the Page and the Business Manager.

Go to Existing Page Roles in the Page Settings and modify yourself.

There is a ‘Remove’ option. Choose this.

You will be removed from the Page as a result of this action.

Then go to Business Manager and Accounts.

Go to Pages, pick the Page you wish to delete, and then click the ‘Remove’ button.

As a result, your buddy will be the administrator. They may then go into Business Manager and add themselves as Page owners.

Can you find out who owns a Facebook business page?

There are occasions when you need to find out who owns a Facebook business Page.

Perhaps you want to purchase their company, or there is a Facebook Page ownership issue.

Whatever the cause, locating the owner of any Page is simple.

  1. Navigate to the About section of the Page.
  2. You may discover information about the Page owner’s contact options here.

This contains their website and, if applicable, an email address. You can also send them a message straight from this page.

  1. The Page Transparency section is another location to look for information.
  2. This is intended to check for things like running advertisements.
  3. When browsing the page, scroll down till you see it after About, Photos, and Videos.
  4. Click to view all to learn more about the Page’s history. This contains who developed it and when it was made.

Can you make a claim on an unmanaged Page?

If there is a Page with your company information on it but it isn’t yours, you may be able to claim it.

That assumes there is no owner.

Unofficial Page appears underneath the cover picture if a Page is unmanaged. You may either request to claim the Page and become an admin, or you can do both. You may also request that it be merged with your current one.

You will need to provide proof of your connection with the company. This may be with a phone number or with papers.

If Facebook approves, you will be the owner of the unmanaged Page.

Is it possible to unpublish my Page?

You may decide that you no longer need your Page and want to deactivate it.

This conceals it from public view, but you may republish it later.

  1. Go to your Page Settings to do so.
  2. Click Page Visibility from the General menu, then choose ‘Page Unpublished.’
  3. Save the modifications and explain why you’re doing so to Facebook.
  4. Click Next, then Unpublish, and you’re done.

How to Permanently Remove a Facebook Page

Finally, maybe you’ve determined that enough is enough. You no longer need a Page. You’re not coming back.

To remove the Page, go to Page Settings, General, and then ‘Remove Page.’

Click Remove [Page Name], delete the page, and then click OK.

If you change your mind, the Page will not be permanently removed for 14 days. But it’s gone for good after 14 days.

Being the proprietor of a Facebook Page

As a Facebook Page owner, you have numerous tasks and responsibilities

Creating an eye-catching cover picture for your Facebook Page.

Creating Facebook material that your followers will like.

Keeping up with the most recent Facebook image dimensions.

Using Facebook Insights to check and learn.

And there are so many more!

Being the owner of a Facebook Page is an important component of promoting your company on social media.

Final Words

However, times and circumstances change.

That is why Facebook provides you with a variety of choices for adding administrators, removing them, and even removing yourself from the Page altogether.