How Can I Get Instant 500 Likes On Facebook

A slew of social media sites have sprung up in every nook and cranny of our global community. Among them, Facebook is widely regarded as the go-to site. With 1.86 billion members and a 17 percent annual growth rate, this social networking site is the pinnacle of connection. So, whether you’re on Facebook for business or pleasure, chances are you’d want to increase your likes.

There are people that want Likes and comments on their status, profile photo, pictures, pages, and so on. Some individuals may be asking their friends to like their statuses and photos through personal chat. There are no hacking techniques for obtaining millions of Facebook likes. Only lethal hackers and programmers are capable of creating it if it exists. Are you a coder or a hacker? Certainly not. So we’re going to provide some more helpful hints for getting a lot of Likes for your Facebook Pages, Profile Pictures, Status, and so on.

There are two methods to increase your Facebook likes: the “Natural Way” and the “Unnatural Way.” Here is a list of methods you may use to increase your Facebook likes. These techniques may be used to any kind of material, whether it is a post, a photo, a video, or a GIFS.

How to Get Likes on Facebook Statuses and Photos in a Natural Way

Method 1: Tagging and Re-Tagging

Tagging relevant persons is one of the most effective methods to spread the word about your article. Relevant individuals are people who are connected to your product or service and also have a big number of followers. This way, you’re exposing your postings not just to individuals you know, but also to those who are friends or followers of others. This is how viral marketing works without you having to pay any money!

Tagging is a fantastic method to get organic likes. Tagging is available when you submit a photo or update your profile image. Facebook now permits a maximum of 50 tags, making it very simple for the tagged friends to like your post or profile photo. If your closest friend does not notice that you are publishing fresh updates, you may lose his or her like. You may fix this by tagging your pals. With this tagging, your friends will be informed. Others who comment or like the post will be informed as well. This improves the likelihood of people like your article or image.

Is it true that since Facebook only allows 50 tags per post, each post can only attract the attention of 50 people?

No, you may attract more attention by using the technique outlined below.


Remove the previous tagging after one or two days and tag another 50 pals. Repeat this procedure until you’ve tagged all of your friends. If you have 2000 Friends, you have a good probability of receiving more than 500 Likes.

Please keep in mind that this technique is rather obnoxious and may cause some of your friends to “Unfriend” you. If you don’t want to irritate your pals, continue reading.

  1. Execute Facebook Ad Campaigns

Facebook allows you to run an advertising to assist boost page or post likes. You may establish a daily budget and run these ads. Because you will be able to target your audience, your advertising will only be displayed to those who are interested in what you want to sell or provide. As a consequence, you’ll be able to earn real likes far more quickly. Of course, it costs money, but it is occasionally worthwhile.

If you want to attempt Facebook advertising but lack expertise or don’t know how to do it, you may check out Fiverr. There are several inexpensive and helpful jobs that may assist you with effectively setting up and running your first Facebook advertising.

“I Will Be Your Facebook Advertising Specialist” Gig-Search “Facebook Advertising” on Fiverr.

Check Out This Gig If You Need Help With Facebook Ads

Gopros is a level 2 seller on Fiverr with over 1120 good ratings. He will educate you on how to create Facebook Ads that attract consumers with the most basic gig, which costs $5.

There are many helpful Gigs on Fiverr that may assist you in increasing your Facebook likes. Enter the term “Facebook Advertising” in the search bar. Many services are available, such as creating a Facebook advertising for you, assisting you in promoting your fan page, sharing your post/page with their friends, and so on. If you utilize Fiverr properly, I believe it is a really excellent option for gaining quality Facebook likes.

  1. Produce Useful and Informative Content

The foundation of your Facebook page or account is content. You will be able to acquire a large number of likes organically by publishing only engaging, useful material that is relevant to your audience. To break up the monotony and keep users coming back for more, the information should be presented in a variety of forms such as videos, GIFS, pictures, and infographics. This keeps your page current while also engaging your readers.

  1. Contact Influencers in Your Niche

You may increase traffic to your page by collaborating with influencers that have a lot of likes on their pages or accounts. A simple post or shout out on their page with your name tagged may make a big impact. Because the person you are associated with has established their authority and people trust what they have to say or suggest, their followers and friends will be more likely to check out a page or post that the influencer has recommended.

  1. Favorite Your Own Photo or Status

Doubt is common. There is an alternate way if you do not want to tag all of your friends.

If you like or comment on anything on Facebook, it is likely that it may appear in the news feeds of your friends. That is, if you post or update a new status, it is possible that your friends may see it as well.

This method’s primary concept is “strange,” yet it may work to earn you some free likes. Look through your Facebook picture collection and like one of your own photos. Your picture will most likely appear on their newsfeed if you use this technique. They may be aware that you like your own photograph.

These are the most efficient methods for organically increasing the number of likes on your Facebook postings, whether they be status updates, pictures, or videos. A large number of likes assures you that your content and articles are reaching their target audience. It is also an indication that your material is relevant and valued by the individuals to whom you are attempting to connect. So go ahead and put these ideas into action to boost the amount of likes on your Facebook post.

Unusual Methods for Obtaining Free Facebook Likes

After discussing natural techniques for gaining likes, let us now discuss some harsh tactics for gaining likes from people all around the globe. We’ll go through several websites that may be able to meet your requirements. This subject covers the following subtopics:

  • likes
  • Autolikers’ likes
  • For example, swapping webpages.
  • For example, selling websites

Please keep in mind that although all of the artificial methods listed above may earn you a lot of likes quickly, the quality is typically extremely poor. Some websites provide phony Facebook user likes, which may harm your Facebook fan page. I would not recommend that you utilize the services. If you require high-quality likes or Facebook fan page followers with a high engagement rate, I recommend going the natural route. It is the only way to sustain long-term involvement. Continue reading if you don’t mind phony people or bots and simply want some quick likes.

How Does Help You Get More Facebook Likes?

There is no benefit in offering social exchange credit to a website with little traffic. The social exchange value is related to the amount of visitors on the website. Despite the lack of visitors, several websites continue to provide social exchange services. The issue is that the client has wait a lengthy period for their goal to be met.

AddMeFast is totally different in this instance since it has more visitors.

Let’s take a look at how AddMeFast may help you acquire more Facebook likes.

#1 : Sign up for an AddMeFast account.

#2: The next stage is to either purchase or earn credit points. With a few bucks, you might rack up some fast points. Start like, sharing, and watching other people’s things if you don’t want to spend money.

#3: After you’ve accumulated some points, click the Add Site/Page button.

#4: You may choose the kind of social credit you’d want to get. [For instance, Facebook Like, Facebook Share, Facebook Fan Page Like, and so on]

#5: After filling up the information such as Facebook page URL, total clicks desired, and so on, click the save button.

Now you may notice that your website or picture is rapidly gaining likes until your acquired points reach zero or the specified limit.


  • It is preferable to give a greater point value. For instance, a point value of no less than 7 If you give it 10 points, it will take precedence over the pages with lesser scores.
  • If you do not want to buy credits, you should establish a new Facebook account and begin like other people’s pages/photos. Otherwise, your buddy will be able to inform you of such actions on Facebook, which would be very inconvenient.

In addition, you may earn points every day by signing onto your AddMeFast account or referring a friend to them.

Another Facebook Like Exchange Program is Like4Like.

Like4Like is a similar Social Credit trading service to the previously described AddMeFast. Although both offer comparable functionality, AddMeFast is preferable than Like4Like for the majority of users. Like4Like’s design and user experience are quite poor.

In terms of traffic volume, Like4Like comes in second place behind AddMeFast. As a consequence, anytime you upload your pictures or pages, you will most likely receive the results fast. If you already use AddMeFast, you don’t need to test Like4Like since the functions are identical.


There are many more social credit trading websites that provide services similar to AddMeFast and Like4Like. However, the most of them have poor traffic volumes, therefore it is not worth your time to investigate them. Even if you earn some credits and promote your page, it may take weeks or even months to see a rise in likes.