Is It Possible To Verify Two Facebook Accounts With Same Telephone Number

You can verify your Facebook account using the same mobile number that you used to create it. Facebook is now a part of many people’s lives, mostly young men, but it’s becoming more popular all over the world. It’s free; you can use this social site anywhere in the world for free. I’d like to point out that some mobile companies also provide some free internet data for using Facebook. It’s a highly appealing social, and everyone needs it.

Why is it necessary for individuals to validate their Tow Account with the same Number?

It’s also a good question that appears in this article. Nowadays, people use multiple accounts. There are many surveys on fake profiles or double profiles, with 20 percent of Facebook profiles being fake. Facebook only provides one mobile number, but most people need more, so they try to verify multiple profiles with the same number.

People are no longer able to manage just one female friend; instead, they are attempting to manage their Facebook page. We receive a lot of emails and messages on our fan page and our website’s contact page asking us to verify two Facebook profiles with the same phone number. They inquire as to how we can verify a mobile phone number that is also used in another id. Facebook is really advanced now that it proposes just one number with one account policy for security. If you forget your ID password, you may retrieve it by using the confirmation code, therefore I believe having one phone number and one profile is preferable for you. As a result, I do not recommend using this technique to validate additional accounts.

Verify two Facebook accounts with a same phone number

This technique works by deleting or deactivating your Facebook account, which means you verify one account first, then deactivate it for a brief period of time. Then, to verify another account, just get a confirmation number and enter it. After confirming both accounts, just reactivate your other account and you’re done; you may use this and another as long as Facebook does not update their new policy and conditions for mobile phone numbers.

For further information, see How to Get the Access Token of a Facebook Account Profile.

Let’s use the same mobile phone number to validate your Facebook profile.

  1. First, you must verify both of your profiles through email.
  2. Simply disable your verified profiles now.
  3. Account Settings > Security > Account Deactivation
  4. Now sign in to another profile that you want to verify.
  5. Simply double-check this with the same number.
  6. You may now reactivate your deactivated profile as well.

7.Both accounts are now confirmed and completed.

Finally, use the same phone number to verify two Facebook accounts.


This is a simple but unofficial technique, so use it at your own risk; we do not endorse it for verification. Thank you for visiting our site; you can also share this post with your friends, who may find it helpful as well. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below, and we will respond as soon as possible. Thank you for stopping by, and please return for more lessons. You should only use one number since if you use more, this social network may identify it and terminate your account.