What  Do  Programmers  At  Facebook  Do  All Day

Facebook is one of the world’s most successful companies, and programmers are the foundation of its success, as they are for many other digital startups.

So here’s a tribute to all the programmers out there, squishing bugs, pushing code, and making ideas a reality behind the scenes of every tech company.

Ziad Traboulsi (right), a Lebanese developer, is a lead software engineer in Facebook’s Dublin headquarters. He’s worked there for five years and is now working on Internet.org, a Facebook-led global collaboration committed to bringing cheap internet access to the two-thirds of the globe who aren’t yet connected.

Traboulsi is also an entrepreneur, having cofounded an online site including news, reviews, discussion forums, and the sale of applications for PocketPC and Palm OS when he was 13 years old.

After a few of enjoyable tech and startup conversations with Traboulsi, we decided to inquire about a typical day in the life of a software developer at Facebook.

8:00 a.m.: One of the wonderful benefits of working for Facebook is the ability to wake up whenever you choose! During my sleep, I usually spend approximately twenty minutes catching up on everything that has occurred in the business and industry. This practice is critical since Facebook operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and most of my coworkers work in Silicon Valley, where it is still daylight while I am sleeping.

I also make a list of the most important tasks I want to do throughout the day, no matter how large or little they are, and read TechCrunch and other telecom-related news sites.

9:30 a.m.: I ride my bike to work and have breakfast at my desk from our free restaurant, which is one of Facebook’s many wonderful perks.

10:00 a.m.: I spend some time examining code and responding to any urgent emails from external partners and my team to ensure that I’m not a bottleneck for anybody and that things are moving along smoothly. Following that, I typically devote at least one hour to coding nonstop.

For me, being fully in the zone and focused on the job at hand is critical. When creating code, it takes some time to get into the zone, so I always make sure I have enough time to at least make good progress. It’s a waste of time to go in and out of ‘the zone,’ so keep it to a minimum.

When I start coding, I typically put on my headphones. At Facebook, we have an unwritten rule that if you have your headphones on, you should not be bothered. This allows me to remain in the zone when coding.

Putty, Mosh, tmux, and Vim are the only tools on my development computer, which is a Lenovo 450s.

I work with operators in the EMEA area to help them get Internet.org up and running on their networks. In order to integrate the systems, modifications must be made on both the operators’ and Facebook’s sides. I’m also in charge of our internal development, which makes deployments go more smoothly.

The majority of individuals check Facebook at work, but Traboulsi works for Facebook… and gets paid. The headquarters of Facebook in Dublin. (Photo courtesy of Facebook)

12:30 p.m.: I have a quick lunch at my desk.

2:00 p.m.: In the afternoons, I usually do one or two interviews. Facebook is constantly on the lookout for new talent!

3:00pm: A mix of additional coding and thinking about architectural and infrastructure issues.

One of the goals of the Internet.org initiative is to tackle one of technology’s most challenging problems: how to get everyone online and make connection genuinely pervasive.

The achievement of this goal is hampered by significant infrastructure and socioeconomic issues. For example, 20% of the world’s population does not have simple access to even a cellular network, and many of those who can connect do so via very costly but extremely sluggish and unstable connections. Our goal is to address this by making the internet more accessible and investing in technologies that make connecting people simpler and less expensive.

4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.: A slew of meetings, mostly with our California engineering teams.

Every workday, Facebook updates its products with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Given that hundreds of engineers work on tens of thousands of changes every week, and many of those changes have an instantaneous effect on the over 1.4 billion people who use the site each month, this may be a significant problem. One of the fundamental processes that allows Facebook to maintain an advantage and have a rapid, iterative process is “moving fast.”

Final Words

So from this article you must have understood how busy the life of facebook programmer is, and how hardworking they are. This article surely give us lesson of hard workness and efficency.