Why Cant I See When My Friend Was Last Acive On Facebook

You can check when someone was last online on Facebook Messenger by looking at their “Last Active” status.

If someone was last online 22 minutes ago, for example, you’ll get the status “Active 22 m ago.”

When you start a conversation with someone, you’ll see their status beneath their name.

If the individual is currently active, you’ll see a green dot on their profile image.

The “Last Active” status, however, does not appear for everyone.

You’ll discover why you can’t view the “Last Active” status on Facebook Messenger in this post.

You’ll also learn how to determine whether someone’s status has been turned off and how to view it.

On Facebook Messenger, why can’t I see “Last Active”?

You can’t view someone’s “Last Active” status on Facebook Messenger because they’ve turned it off or because you’ve been banned.

It’s also possible that the individual hasn’t used Facebook in a long time (more than 24 hours).

You won’t be able to view the person’s “Last Active” status if they turned it off.

The other person will not be able to view your current state.

Second, if the person has blocked you on Messenger, you will no longer see their “Last Active” status.

Only if they unblocked you will the status appear.

Finally, if someone has not been active on Facebook for an extended period of time (e.g., more than 24 hours, 3 days, or 1 week), their “Last Active” status will not be shown.

The reasons (in detail) why you can’t view when someone last used Facebook Messenger are listed below.

  1. The individual deactivated their “Active Status.”

The “Show while you’re active” option is turned off.

The first explanation is because the person’s “Active Status” was switched off.

The most frequent reason for not being able to know when someone was last active on Facebook Messenger is because of this.

You may conceal your active status on Facebook using the privacy option.

When you touch on your profile image in the Messenger app, you’ll see the setting.

You’ll notice an option named “Active Status” once you’ve touched on your profile image.

If you enable the status, your friends and contacts will be able to see when you last used Facebook Messenger.

  1. If you disable the status, it will not be visible to your friends and contacts.

Turning off the status has one drawback: you won’t be able to know when your friends and contacts were last active.

You’ve been put on hold.

The individual has blocked you.

  1. You won’t be able to view the person’s “Last Active” status if you’re banned on Facebook Messenger.

Furthermore, the individual will not get any messages or phone calls from you.

I put my hypothesis to the test by utilizing two Facebook accounts:

To begin, I checked to see whether both of my Facebook accounts were operational.

I verified the active status of the second account using the first account.

On the profile photo of the second account, there is a green dot.

After that, I switched to the second account and disabled the original.

Finally, I went back to the original account and verified the status of the second account.

The status of the second account is no longer visible.

The “Active Status” will no longer be shown if the individual has banned you on Facebook Messenger, according to this test.

If the individual unblocks you, their status will be shown once again.

How can you determine if someone’s status on Messenger has been switched off?

Examine the person’s Facebook activity (e.g., posts, comments).

Whether you check at someone’s Facebook activity, you can determine if they’ve switched off their Messenger status.

If the individual just posted anything on Facebook but their activity status isn’t visible, it’s probable that they’ve disabled their active status.

If the individual hasn’t been on Facebook in a while, they may not have switched off their active status.

Instead, since they have been inactive on Facebook for more than 24 hours, their active status is not shown.

What is the best way to view concealed last seen on Messenger?

Make sure your “Active Status” is enabled.

You must switch on your “Active Status” to view hidden last seen on Messenger.

You’ll be able to view the last seen of your friends and contacts on Messenger after you’ve switched on your “Active Status.”

You won’t be able to view the last seen of anybody who has turned it off, however.

Furthermore, you will not be able to view the last known location of individuals who have blocked you.

There is no way to view someone’s last seen if they have switched off their “Last Active” status or blocked you.


If you can’t see someone’s “Last Active” status on their profile, it doesn’t necessarily imply they’ve deactivated it.

It may be owing to their inactivity on Facebook for a long time.

When someone hasn’t signed onto Facebook in over 24 hours, the “Last Active” status is usually no longer visible.

Even if the “Last Active” status is not disabled, Messenger will cease displaying when the user was last online after 24 hours.

If the individual often updates on Facebook and their status isn’t visible on Messenger, it’s likely that they’ve deactivated it.