What Is The Clever Way To Hook Up With Local Girls On Facebook

Consider Facebook to be your new neighborhood pub or a get-together at a friend’s home. You notice a beautiful lady across the room — or on a friend’s Facebook page — and you can’t establish eye contact with her or approach her, but there are a few things you can do straight from your computer screen to start picking her up. Simply follow these instructions to learn how to pick up ladies on Facebook.

step1: Having a Killer Profile is a must.

Make sure you have pictures that are flattering.

 If you haven’t changed your profile picture since eighth grade, don’t start talking with a lady on Facebook. Make sure your pictures are up to date and that you seem beautiful, or at the very least like a decent man, before you start picking up girls on Facebook. If you don’t want to seem like a player, don’t put up a ton of pictures of you with a million different ladies, and don’t have a hundred photos of yourself getting drunk or being silly unless you believe it would appeal to the girl.

Simply go over your pictures and consider, “Would the lady I’m attempting to pick up be into this?” If the response is no, then the pictures should be deleted.

Keep some “safe” photographs of you hanging out with some females to demonstrate that girls like hanging out with you; but, don’t keep any photos of you doing anything too suggestive with another woman — or a few other women.

step2:Allow her to see that you are sociable.

 If you’re attempting to pick up a lady on Facebook and get to know her, she needs to realize that you’re a real man. You should have a decent number of Facebook friends, put interesting stuff on your wall, demonstrate that you’re going to events, remark on other people’s pictures, and get others to comment on your links. Let the lady realize that you’re a pleasant person and that other people really enjoy chatting to you.

She’ll be suspicious if you just have 10 Facebook friends and your wall hasn’t been updated in a year.

Don’t post too frequently. Just enough to keep you busy. You don’t want the lady thinking that Facebook is your life.

Even if you’re hitting on a lot of females on Facebook, don’t let her know. Keep your flirtatious communications concealed, confined to talking, or use private messages if you want to be slick.

step3: Allow your profile to showcase what makes you unique.

 While you shouldn’t post personal information on Facebook, the lady should be able to go through your page and discover a few interesting facts about you. Post a link to one of your favorite bands’ songs on your wall; if you like surfing, have a few pictures of you and your friends pounding the waves. Allow her to see that you have a wide range of interesting hobbies outside of Facebook.

step 4: Locate the young lady.

 Search Facebook for a beautiful female who seems to be fun, unmarried, and lives in your neighborhood. Someone who knows some of your friends, someone from your school, or someone from your wider social network is ideal. Choose a female who is not a stranger. Check to check whether she’s dating anybody, and if you have access to her pictures, search for photos of a possessive-looking man with his arm around her.

step 5: Make a friend with her.

 If you aren’t friends with the girl yet, you should approach her and request that she accept you as a friend. Remember that a stranger is unlikely to accept your friend request, and she may even become suspicious of you and ban you. If you meet the lady casually, a friend request is OK; but, if you discovered her on someone else’s page and live on different ends of the country, getting her to accept your request may be more difficult.

You may send her a short message with your request if you just met her briefly and aren’t sure whether she remembers you. Don’t be overly aggressive. Simply say something along the lines of, “I had a great time chatting to you at Mike’s party last week.”

Try to join the discussion if you notice a beautiful female commenting on one of your friend’s pages. See if you can make a remark that she like and get her to speak with you.

Be aware that Facebook has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment. Leave the girl alone if you send her a friend request and she declines. Don’t send her threatening messages, or she’ll report you to Facebook, which may result in your account being permanently deleted.

step 6: Take a look at her page.

 You’ll have access to the girl’s profile after you’ve become Facebook friends with her, and you’ll be able to learn a few things about her based on how active she is on Facebook. The more you know about her before attempting to pick her up, the simpler it will be to converse with her and pique her interest. Keep the following points in mind:

  1. Check to see if you have any common acquaintances.

 Look through her pictures to discover who she hangs out with or check out your common acquaintances. You may bring up one of the individuals later if you recognize them in a natural manner.

  1. Take an interest in her pastimes.

 Examine her photos, Facebook page, and Facebook groups to see if you can determine whether she enjoys going to the beach, tennis, or simply going to a lot of loud and wild parties.

  1. Take a look at her websites

 Is she referring to Justin Timberlake’s upcoming album’s songs? Is she referring to an Obama-related article? Check to see if you can


This is how you can hook up with local girls on your facebook. Yoy can try out all these steps if you really want to hook up with local girls.