How Do You Promote Affiliate Links On Facebook

For many affiliate marketers, the most effective strategy is to promote affiliate links on Facebook or other social media platforms. This is because it is significantly simpler to get started since you do not need your own website.

Before we get into the specifics of how to conduct affiliate marketing on Facebook, let’s go over some ground rules.

What Are the Rules for Affiliate Marketing on Facebook?

Affiliate marketing is permitted on Facebook, but you must always adhere to Facebook’s advertising policies.

Facebook is similar to Google in that it is all about the user experience. It is not in Facebook’s best interests to allow marketers to lead users to dodgy landing sites that promise “get rich quick” schemes.

Some individuals who purchase these items and do not get the claimed results quit believing in all Facebook advertisements. If no restrictions were in place, less and fewer people would click on Facebook advertisements over time, causing Facebook to lose money.

As a result, if you don’t want to violate Facebook’s policies, avoid making strong and explicit claims in your advertisements. Ads with titles like “Buy this program now; drop 10 pounds tomorrow” will be refused or possibly banned.

Also, remember to include proper disclosure in your postings in compliance with FTC rules (or other guidelines applicable in your country). It should be clear that your article contains an affiliate link. For example, I’ve noticed a lot of postings on Facebook that use hashtags for disclosure, such as #Affiliatelink.

The issue is whether disclosure should be included in Facebook advertisements as well as normal postings. Because Facebook advertisements are already labeled as sponsored, it seems superfluous, but I haven’t found a definitive explanation.

Each social networking site, of course, has its own set of rules. If you opt not to advertise affiliate links on Facebook, but rather on Twitter, make careful to familiarize yourself with their policies, as they may vary.

Finally, see whether the affiliate program enables you to promote it on social media.

For example, you cannot advertise Amazon affiliate links on Facebook using paid advertising since it violates the program’s rules. The same may be said with Click Bank.

Why Should You Promote Indirectly?

Promoting your affiliate links directly on Facebook (connecting straight to a sales page) may seem appealing since it is simple, but I do not advise anybody to go the easy route.


You cannot anticipate many people to opt for a direct transaction if you promote links for free (on your Facebook profile/page or in a Facebook group) or with paid advertising.

This is especially true if you’re advertising high-ticket digital goods. People are not going to click on your article, read your landing page, and then purchase a $999 course.

Instead of posting affiliate links on Facebook, direct them to a piece of your content in which you explain the product and its advantages. People are far more likely to click and purchase from affiliate links included in your content than from a sales page linked straight from Facebook.

What is the Best Way to Promote Affiliate Links on Facebook?

There are a few approaches to affiliate marketing on Facebook, and they all have one thing in common. You’ll need to develop an audience and earn people’s trust.

If you don’t want to risk losing money on paid advertising and instead want to promote affiliate links on Facebook via one of the freeways, you must first build a fan base. Before you begin promoting on Facebook, concentrate on bringing value to people’s lives.

You will receive much more hits to your articles if you develop an audience of individuals who are interested in traveling, and your conversation rate will also be greater since people who follow your page or are part of your group will trust you more.

You can even pull off direct promotion if you have trust. People believe your advice if they trust you.

Groups on Facebook

Facebook groups are fantastic because they enable you to reach a highly focused audience. Assume you’re marketing a Click Bank product that teaches customers how to get very low-cost airline tickets.

There are literally hundreds of travel-related Facebook groups. People who are interested in traveling and therefore prospective consumers of this goods may be found in these categories.

Of course, you should not join every group and spam your link all over the place. That would not produce any results, and you would quickly be expelled for violating the group’s rules. Directly advertising links inside a Facebook group is just not a good idea.

If you advertise affiliate links on Facebook indirectly, you will have a better chance of success. In our example, if you want to advertise a product that teaches people how to obtain inexpensive airline tickets, you would create an essay on air travel. You might create an article describing the top travel fare aggregator websites.

Many Facebook groups permit the posting of links to blog posts (read the rules of each Facebook group first before posting). If visitors click on your air travel article, you have a significantly higher probability of them purchasing through your affiliate link in the post.

Furthermore, if visitors from Facebook come on your website and you have an email opt-in with some freebie on your page, you have a possibility of obtaining their email and advertising the ClickBank product via email marketing as well.

Your freebie should be relevant to the product that you are advertising. In our example, a freebie might be anything like a “7-day course – how to obtain the lowest airline ticket.” You’d make an email opt-in form and include it at the conclusion of your post. All high-quality email marketing software will enable you to design attractive opt-in forms. Convert Kit is a tool that I use and recommend.

I know it’s a cliche, but conducting affiliate marketing without collecting addresses means passing up a lot of money.

You may be thinking right now, “Hmm, I wanted to advertise on Facebook since I don’t have a website, but I can’t accomplish the above-mentioned without a website.”

To be totally honest, if you want to utilize Facebook for affiliate marketing but don’t want to pay for advertising, you’ll need a website. You can’t expect to make a lot of money with affiliate marketing on Facebook if you don’t have a website.

You may establish your own Facebook group if you don’t want to have a website. As the administrator of a group, you may pin a post that includes a direct link to the product you’re advertising. The post remains at the top, and you are not at risk of being banned.

This sounds wonderful, but creating a Facebook group with a reasonable number of members requires time and work. You cannot just put affiliate links in your group; you must also offer value and engage members.

Facebook Fan Page

If you have a website, it makes sense to create a Facebook profile. It enables you to keep your audience up to date on your most recent material. You may lead your followers to your content that contains affiliate links, or you can attempt to drive them straight to the product page if you have built trust.

If you don’t already have a website, I don’t suggest establishing a Facebook profile solely to use for affiliate marketing.

People engage with sites less than they do with groups, so if you don’t have a website, start one.

It is worth mentioning, however, that specialized sites perform better for certain people than groups. For example, if you were marketing dog or cat goods, a Facebook page would be a valuable tool. People prefer to follow dog/cat sites because they like viewing photos of their favorite pets, not because they want to start a discussion about them.

Whether you’re not sure if a Facebook page will work in your niche, just search for comparable current pages on Facebook. If you can locate at least one generic page with a larger following (not a brand), then establishing a page makes sense.

Ads on Facebook

Another method to conduct affiliate marketing on Facebook is to run Facebook advertisements. The advantage of running Facebook advertisements is obvious: you do not need to establish a Facebook follower following. Facebook offers many targeting possibilities such as demographics, interests, and habits, among others.

If you want to advertise beauty goods, you may limit your ad to women who have shown an interest in beauty products or who are regular purchasers. You don’t need to spend time creating a group or page for your specific demographic; you can start targeting prospective customers right away.

As previously said, Facebook permits the use of affiliate links in advertisements, but you must be cautious about the quality of the product landing page. Furthermore, you should always double-check that your affiliate program permits Facebook Ads advertising. Many individuals make the mistake of promoting Amazon affiliate links on Facebook, despite the fact that the Amazon Associates Program strictly prohibits it.

If you don’t already have a website, page, or group where you can advertise your connections, Facebook advertising are a good way to get started quickly.

However, I would still suggest developing a website or, at the very least, a basic landing page with an opt-in form. If you pay for traffic, it should be even more important for you to contact individuals who clicked on your ad but did not purchase. You should always have an opt-in form that enables you to do this.

Of course, this advice may not apply to all goods. Because the purchasing decision process is considerably quicker for low-ticket goods, you can frequently lead customers straight to the sales page.

Wrap Up.

Affiliate marketing on Facebook, in my view, has a lot of promise if done properly. If you use Facebook for affiliate marketing only because it is simple to spam your links,