Why Does The Facebook Add Button Disappear Sometimes

Is the “Add Friend” button missing from someone’s Facebook profile?

Do you ever wonder why the “Add Friend” button becomes greyed out or disappears?

This problem has been reported by a large number of Facebook users, so you’re not alone.

In this post, we’ll look at why the “Add Friend” option on Facebook isn’t working.

Why Doesn’t The “Add Friend” Button Appear On Facebook?

Because the person has limited their privacy settings, rejected your friend request, or designated it as spam, the “Add Friend” option is not visible on Facebook.

Users may adjust their privacy settings on Facebook, such as who can view their activity and who can find/contact them.

Users may also prevent “strangers” from sending them a friend request by changing their friend request settings in the privacy settings.

Users who refuse your friend request will have the option to deactivate the button on their profile.

Users who designate your friend request as spam will also have it disabled.

The causes for the disappearance of the buddy request button are listed below, along with their specifics.

  1. The user’s privacy settings were limited.

The “Add Friend” option is not visible, has vanished, or is missing on Facebook for many reasons. The first is that the person has limited their privacy settings.

Users may manage their privacy settings on the Facebook app/website.

Limiting who may send you friend requests is one of the privacy options.

The setting has two options: “Everyone” and “Friends of Friends.”

Anyone with a Facebook account may add you as a friend if you change the option to “Everyone.”

This option is turned on by default.

If you change the option to “Friends of friends,” only mutual friends will be able to add you as a Facebook friend.

To put it another way, only individuals who are Facebook friends with one of your friends may add you as a friend.

You cannot be added by those who are not friends with any of your Facebook friends.

Here’s how to alter who may send you Facebook friend requests:

  1. Go to the menu, then to settings & privacy, then to privacy settings, then to who may send you friend requests, then to everyone/friends of friends.

As a result, if someone’s privacy option is set to “friends of friends,” the “Add Friend” button will not appear unless you’re friends with one of the person’s Facebook friends.

  1. Your buddy request has been turned down.
  2. If you send someone a friend request and they declined, the “Add Friend” option will disappear from their profile for a time.

You will not be informed if someone declines your friend request on Facebook.

There are three methods to find out whether your friend request has been denied:

The button has been grayed out and is no longer clickable.

It’s possible that the button will not appear on their profile at all.

The phrase “friend request issued” has been replaced with “Add Friend.”

If someone declines your friend request, you may not be able to add them right away because of a “cooling off” period.

To prevent spammers from misusing the “Add Friend” button, the “cool down” time is utilized.

However, you may have to wait a while before you can send them another friend request.

The “Friend request sent” button will be changed to “Add Friend” after a few days or weeks of waiting.

That’s when you may send the individual another friend request.

The “cooling off” period may be prolonged if the individual rejects your friend request a second time.

Your friend request was flagged as spam.

Finally, if your friend request was tagged as spam, the “Add Friend” option will not appear on their profile.

Users on Facebook have the option of marking friend requests as spam.

You have the option of accepting or declining a friend request on Facebook.

After you’ve deleted the friend request, you may label it as spam.

If you designate someone’s friend request as spam, they won’t be able to add you on Facebook for a long time.

According to several reports, the individual will have to wait a year before sending you another friend request.

Because the button is irreversible, you won’t be able to undo mistakenly marking a friend request as spam.

If this occurs, the best thing you can do is contact Facebook support for help.

In a nutshell, if the friend request button hasn’t shown on someone’s profile in a long time, it’s possible that they’ve flagged your request as spam.

How to Fix Facebook’s “Add Friend” Button

You may either wait it out or try adding one of your friend’s friends on Facebook to repair the “Add Friend” option on Facebook.

It’s not a Facebook issue if the “Add Friend” button isn’t visible on someone’s profile.

One of Facebook’s features to discourage spammers from misusing the “Add Friend” button is that it is hidden or grayed out.

There’s just one thing you can do manually to get the button to appear.

Otherwise, you’ll have to wait.

Here are a few of tried-and-true (detailed) methods for repairing the button.

 Include common acquaintances.

The first approach for resolving the Facebook “Add Friend” Button is to add one of the person’s Facebook friends.

This technique, however, only works if the person’s “Who may send you friend requests” option is set to “Friends of friends.”

If someone’s privacy option is set to “Friends of friends,” you can only add them if you are a Facebook friend of one of their friends.

As a result, you’ll need to convince one of the person’s Facebook friends to accept you as a friend.

When one of the person’s Facebook friends accepts you as a friend, the “Add Friend” button appears on their profile.

Otherwise, their profile’s “Add Friend” button will be hidden, and you won’t be able to send them a friend request.

Be patient.

If someone deletes your friend request, you may have to wait a few days or weeks before you can add them again.

This is because there is a “cooling off period” after someone deletes your Facebook friend request.

If you added someone as a friend and then noticed that the “Add Friend” button has vanished or is greyed out, you will need to wait a while for it to reappear.

You should also wait it out if someone you just added on Facebook deleted your friend request and tagged it as spam.

If your friend request is flagged as spam, you’ll have to wait a year for the “Add Friend” option to function again.

Most people will remove your friend requests rather than label them as spam, therefore they won’t be tagged as spam.

As a result, your best option is to wait a few days before reviewing the person’s profile again.

If they haven’t changed their privacy settings, the “Add Friend” option should appear on their profile.


Many Facebook users are annoyed by issues such as the absent or grayed out “Add Friend” button.However, you must understand that this is not a bug, therefore there is no need to contact Facebook help.Using the methods outlined in this article, the “Add Friend” button may be reinstated.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if someone has surpassed their Facebook friend limit, you will not be able to add them as a friend.




On Facebook, you can only have 5,000 friends.




To add someone who has surpassed their friend limit, they must first delete someone from their friend list.